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I have never seen people around me at the cafeteria as happy as I saw them today and I knew it was all because of how happy I was myself. And how couldn't I after what happened yesterday?

I didn't even care that Lucas was sitting across me or even that he was sitting at all with us, even when I seriously thought that after our study session this past weekend he was going to be back with his old friends from detention. I guess I was wrong, he seriously wanted to be friends with everyone again and not just me.

Nevertheless, I didn't care at all about him. I was happy as hell and I was completely sure this time that there was nothing or nobody who could ever change that.

—So that really can happen? —Zay asked in complete shock to Smackle and she nodded.

—That I can predict the end of a movie before Farkle? It can and I did —she proudly announced.

—It only took her for me to blink to say who the killer was.

—Remind me to never ever watch a movie with you two. The only thing Farkle wasn't able to predict was the end of Red Planet Diaries.

—I still hold up that as one of my greatest personal failures —he sighed—. But the good news for you guys is that we saw on the shorts that the writer of Red Planet Diaries wrote this new movie that is out now and, since we haven't had the chance to do something together the five of us, we were thinking we could go to the movies today, what you say?

Both Farkle and Smackle smiled at us expecting our answers, however, all that Zay, Lucas and I were able to do was look at each other with worried expressions on our faces.

—What now? —Farkle snorted.

—I can't miss anymore practices, guys, the game is in less than two weeks —Zay apologized.

—You don't practice all day, Zay, I'm sure you have the night free. C'mon, midterms just finished... we need to do something together before the next one's come.

—It's not just practice, Farkle, I also have to do some stupid science project and...

—If you go with us, Smackle and I could help you with your project and...

—Say no more. I'm in.

Zay declared without doubting it twice as a smile was drawn on his face. I knew he knew Farkle and Smackle were going to end up doing his project and all he needed to do was go and enjoy a movie.

—What's your excuse? —Farkle asked to Lucas this time.

—I don't have an excuse.

—Then why you reacted that way? —Smackle now.

—I don't know —he responded giving me a quick glance and turning back to Farkle.

—So you can? —Farkle replied.

—I-I think so...

He gave me another glance before his eyes focused on his food, was I actually the reason why he didn't want to go? Please.

—So that only leaves us you Maya...

Farkle said and I couldn't help but frown worried. How could I say to them the reason why I couldn't go was because I had another date with Josh after we've been dating for some time now and I haven't told them about that yet?

—You have plans already? —Zay asked, intrigued.

—I'm sure she has.

Lucas prompted in an indifferent tone and I felt the sudden urge to punch him in the face. I felt bad for keeping everything a secret from them, specially from Zay. He always was asking me if something was going on and I kept lying to him over and over again.

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