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So how was you weekend, peaches?

It was impossible for me not to smile as I was hearing Riley's voice through the screen of my phone. Since she left, video calls and phone calls were the only ways I had to try to feel her as closest to me as possible.

It was not the same, clearly, starting by the fact that there was a five hour difference between New York and London, making this calls each time less frequent. However, I definitely preferred one call a week than not hearing or seeing Riley at all.

—It was...

I cut my phrase as soon as memories came to my mind. Of course my weekend was boring as hell, I did nothing more than staying home and watch old movies with my dad, therefore, the same as every other weekend since she left.

But the thing wasn't saturday or sunday, it was friday, more specifically, friday night, the night Lucas showed up at my room and we probably had the longest conversation we ever had since we met.

I don't know what it was, but I simply couldn't tell Riley about that. Maybe I was feeling a little guilty about it. Although they broke up before she left, I knew that Riley still had feelings for him, and I didn't wanted her to be worried or misunderstood what really happened that night.

—It was ok —I said trying my best to sound convincing—. How was yours?

Amazing! —she shouted with her classic-and-never-boring Riley enthusiasm—. Blake's parents own an incredible lodge nearby, and she invited all the girls to spend the weekend there. We got to hike, and swim, and even ride!

—Sounds like a lot of fun... —I mumbled with a little sadness in my voice.

It was, peaches.

—I bet —she giggled causing me to let go one hidden inside a sigh—. Who's Blake?

She laughed —You know who Blake is Maya, I had talk about her like a million times now. She's the nice girl that became my friend since the day year eleven started.

I lied. I knew exactly who Blake was, I just didn't want Riley to feel like I cared about her, or the countless times she had call her "her friend" since she met her. Sometimes I felt like that girl was replacing me in Riley's life and I couldn't stand it a bit.

—You're right —I giggled silently—. I must've forgotten. What's up with your parents? How are they? —I switched topics as fast as I could.

They're fine. They're thinking making my mom "lawyer of the year" in her office and dad seems to have found a group of eight graders that are interested in the secret of life and all.

—I couldn't expected less from them —I smiled—. And Auggie? How's him?

I think his ok. He spends almost every afternoon with his new best friends, Nolan and Valerie... I'm pretty sure he has a crush on that Valerie girl. She's so pretty and exact opposite of Freako Morgenstern.

I laughed at Riley's joke, although on the inside, I didn't feel like laughing at all. Even little eight year old Auggie was already moving on from his best friends here, and from Ava, the little girl we all thought he was going to marry and live his happily ever after.

—That's really nice, Rile...

Riles! —My voice turned off after that scream on the other line—. The polo practice is starting now. Leo is playing today.

Oh no! —Riley shouted desperately stading up from the bench where she was sitting—. Coming!

—Who's that? Who's Leo? —I asked confused.

Girl Meets Goodbye, RileyWhere stories live. Discover now