chapter 26

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i put on my dress, it seemed way more appropriate with the sleeves. i think blue is pretty elegant and traditional.

i did more makeup than usual, and did my hair curled. i had bracelets on and a necklace.

i put on my black steve madden heels, and grabbed my hand bag.

i got into jacks car and drove to the dinner.

as i walked in, all the eyes were on us.

"why hello! you have a beautiful girl here jack!" said a older guy.

"yes i do sir. lexy this is my boss, hank this is lexy."

"hi." i say and shake his hand.

"i want robert to meet you and this beaut."

jack whispers, "robert is the CEO."

i nod, and prepare myself.

robert walked over with hank, they both were well over 50.

"nice to meet you."

we got introduced, and went to go to our seats. i saw sam standing next to a girl, holding a wine glass. he stared at me intensely.

the girl was not even pretty, i was better. my jealous side was coming out. he knew how he would make me jealous.

robert walked over to us again.

"jack, you have a very pretty one."

"aha thank you sir."

"seriously! young lady you should be a model!"

"don't make me blush. i'm flattered." i say.

sam looked at me with so much anger.

i didn't see his date getting talked to like that by the CEO.

i talked to jack, and he thanks me again for coming.

"you are definitely making sam mad." said jack.

we both giggled.

sam and i stared at each other, glaring.

soon chefs came out and put steaks on each three sections of the table.

i grabbed a piece and ate peacefully as their bosses announced the expansion of hayes.

we all clapped and congratulated them.

i looked up and saw sam's date staring at jack. i put my hand on jack's thigh underneath the table and whispered in jacks ear.

"someone has a staring problem."

jack looks up, and notices her right away. her gaze was still set on him, and was trying obviously hard to look desirable.

like honey, he doesn't want to bang you.

we finished our dinner, and jack put his hand on my upper thigh. he talked calmly as he was making me crazy.


"it was nice to meet you guys!"

we said our goodbyes and hugged the people we ate with.

we got dragged into more conversations and jack and i stood close, while his arm was around my waist gripping it.

his grip tightened, then loosened. probably depended on when sam was looking at me.

sam came over to jack and me with his little girlfriend.

"what's up." said sam.

"gonna get out of here, you guys have any plans?"

"yeah probably going home too."

"what! i thought we were going to go clubbing!" said the girl whining.

i look her up and down.

"um. no." said sam.

"just take me home." said the girl bitterly.

"well we'll see you guys." sam said quickly embarrassed.

we followed them outside, and while getting into jacks car i saw sam leave her outside and drive off fast. he drove a porsche.

sam drove me home, and i smiled to myself. i need to let the toxic out. i finally found someone who makes me happy.

"in the future there will probably be more dinners, if you want to come." said jack.

"yeah of course! i enjoyed it, thank you."

he drove me back to my place, and i apologized for not being able to hang out.

"i have work tomorrow, i'm so sorry. how about friday?" i said flirtatiously.

"i'll be here don't worry babygirl."

after he said that i got butterflies. i haven't felt this way since sam.

i turned and walked into my building bitting my lip.

when i got back inside i went and took off my make up. then i got into the shower and changed into my pajamas.

i sat in my bed on my phone.

i got the idea to look up jack on instagram. oddly enough i don't know his last name, so i went to hayes instagram and looked if they followed him.

ah yes. they do.

jack wilson. iconic.

he has 300 followers, and is following 100 people. not too shabby.

i start digging and digging. he had a girlfriend in high school. brunette, brown eyes, tall, goodness she was pretty.

i was the complete opposite. blonde, blue eyes, and short. he must have no type.

i watched tiktoks for a bit before heading to bed.


• thank you for completing chapter 26 of "summer fling".

• hope you enjoyed

word count : 805

luv coco <3

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