chapter 7

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* today i got ready as usual. my outfit consisted of some light wash high waisted mom jeans, and a over sized flannel with a small white crop tank underneath. i slipped on my white vans and went down to meet the boys for lunch.

here at the camp is was starting to get kind of cold. low 60's for the average temperature. i arrive at the restaurant we were eating at. i told the hostess that i was meeting some friends, so i went and scoped out the tables to find the boys.

i spotted them, but sam was sitting at the table too. ugh. i did not want to see sam today, let alone talk to him. i walked over and put on a fake smile.

i sit down next to tanner. i place the my napkin on my lap and begin to engage in a conversation with the boys.

"how is ryan?" asks carter.

"he's fine." i say sternly.

sam's jaw was clenched, but he was looking down at his phone. it is kind of weird that he cares so much when he said he would never want to be anything.

i am looking down at my phone when tanner abruptly says "what's up jack!"

i look up and see a tall, tan, blonde haired, blue eyed, handsome guy.

"this is jack guys."

"this is lexy, that's carter, and sam."

the so called jack guy does a little wave.

jack and i start a conversation. he was so easy to talk to. jack and i both had experience playing baseball and softball. we had plenty to talk about.

the waiter came to take our order, and i ended up getting chicken tenders and fries. basic, i know.

jack and i talked the whole time waiting for our food to come.

him and i were smiling and laughing. i look in sam's direction and he was giving me the death stare. too bad so sad.

we finished our food and me and the boys went back to our dorm.

i get a imessage notifaction -


unknown : hey
unknown sender report to junk?

i accept the message.

me : hi who are u

unknown : don't worry about it babygirl

me : enough wit the nicknames wut is ur name anyways

unknown : i'm kayden

me : so how did u get my number kayden

kayden : that is for me to know babe

me : do u know me?

kayden : no not really tbh

me : this is so confusing cya

kayden : babe come back
kayden : please i want to get to know you

summer fling - sam hurley (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now