chapter 13

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sam and i get out of the shower.

"just because we made out in there doesn't mean i don't hate you anymore."

"yeah okay, didn't seem like it when you were up on me."

"shut the fuck up sam." i say annoyed.

i wondered whatever happened with kayden. i am bored so i'll unblock him and text him.

i go to my blocked callers and i unblock his number.

me : heyyy hru

kayden : im good wby

me : just bored let's play imessage games

kayden : sent a game of cup pong

i get bored of cup pong and text jack.

me : whats ur number let's ft

jack : i don't have a number rn

me : yes u do just give it to me

what the hell. why won't he just give me his number like god i just want to facetime you.

i text tanner.

me : hey whats jack's number

tanner : 763-863-9184

me : k cool thanks

i go to put his number into my contacts and it pops up as kayden. what the actual fuck. i call kayden or so jack.



jack i know you are kayden.

i'm sorry lexy. i wanted to get closer to you.

you could have actually talked to me instead of catfishing me.

i know i'm sorry.

it would be better if we just go back to being friends.

if that is what you want okay.

bye jack.

i hung up the phone. my dear god.

"who was that?" says sam.

"remember the guy kayden you made me block on imessage? well that was jack catfishing me."

"holy shit. he's weird. i made a good call though." he says semi laughing.

"it's not funny." i say.

"you didn't even like him. it was clearly obvious you were trying to make me jealous."

"not true." i say defensively.

"we are meant for eachother lexy. why can't you just accept that?"

"you know vinnie said we were meant for each other too."

summer fling - sam hurley (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now