Death Was Her Victory

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The crisp air and branches tore at my skin as I ran through the dark, misty woods. My clothes clung to my skin, my hair whipped behind me, and my legs and throat burned.

Keep going. You need to keep going. Or they will catch you. Run! the voice in my head sang. Ever since I attached myself to him, and he to me, I've been able to hear him, even after he left this world.

Pounding footsteps and shouts trailed behind me, getting closer with every second. I knew they were catching up, weapons and all.

Finding myself in an unfamiliar part of the woods, I maneuvered through the trees, slower than I wished.

The men chasing me shouted my name, fading into a whisper in the the wood.

Amalie, the trees seemed to whisper. Surrender, we have you.

Don't listen, Amalie, he whispered. You are almost home. Finn's voice confused me. I was miles away from home. Territories away.

The forest begin lightening as I turned to the left, my aching feet still flying me through the fading mist. The shouts and pounding footsteps continued getting closer. I ran toward the light, sun beams shining through the trees.

Run, my darling.

As I broke through the clearing, the dirt slid under my feet as I stopped running, nearly missing the cliff only a foot away from me. My breath came out fast and rugged, my heart and limbs throbbing at the abrupt stop of the harsh movement.

My eyes catch the movement of glistening water, raging about a hundred feet below me. The cliff is a straight fall with no chance of survival. Men emerge from the trees, dressed in sliver armor, wielding swords and bows. Their warrior eyes trained on me, their mission brainwashed into their minds by the Dark Lord so that nothing else matters to them; only my capture, my death. Uselessly, I pull Finn's dagger from my side, holding it in front of me, the gems that decorate the handle sparkling.

"Surrender you weapon, fugitive. As order of the Dark Lord, surrender or parish."

My breath slows and I keep my dagger up, never surrendering to the Dark Lord, to the tyranny plaguing our lands.

"Surrender, Amalie," the woman says, their leader, stepping forward. Her white hair is pulled back into a braid, some pieces framing his face. Her dark eyes train on me, and nothing else. The silver armor shines, almost blinding me. "Your skills could be an asset to our cause. You would be a valuable warrior."

"After months and months of torture? Of brainwashing?" I sneer. Men behind her raise their weapons, ready to strike if need be.

"Surrender. You have no where to run." Her voice is hard, but persuasive at the same time. I retreat as they push forward, forcing me to the edge.

"I will never join you," my voice comes out strong, but in a whisper. Before they can strike me,  I jump back, falling over the cliff, the sensation pulling at my guts. Everything pauses in that moment, the last moment of my life. My eyes close as the wind surrounds me, cradling me as a baby, just like how I was cradled as I was brought into thus cruel, cruel world.

"I'll see you soon, my love," I whispered as I fell, a silent tear running down my face. Darkness consumed me as my mortal life ended.

I won.



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Moth: A Short Story
My Divergent FanFic Series
A Girl By Any Other Voice

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