The Simple Things In Life

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The soft patter of rain outside the cottage pulls her from the trance of sleep, from her dreams. Her eyes open, still heavy with sleep. She comes to her senses, only some of them, slowly.

She hears the sound of the water falling from the sky. She feels the soft silk sheets on her bare legs. She smells the oak wood and the wet grass and the brewing coffee coming from the kitchen. And she smells him, his hair, as he lies on her chest. His strong arms flail around her, creating a cage of warmth. Their body heat protects them from the crisp bite of the air around them.

She looks up at the roof, brown in the night, listening to the rain. Her brain, still tired, does not register any worry, any stress, coming from their lives. She simply lays there. Warm and comfortable and content.

Without realizing it, her fingers made their way into his dark hair, running through it. The soft motion was enough to pull him from his own dreams as he became aware of the rain. Of their bodies intertwined in that little bed, in that little cottage.

"Do you hear that?" she whispers so quietly, his soul was the only thing that could hear it.

"The rain?" he asks, his voice low too, but husky from sleep.

"The sound of the skies feeding the Earth." He pulls her closer, listening to her heartbeat and the rain. "The world is being restored. It's a beautiful thing."

"You are beautiful," he says, leaning up to kiss under her chin. Blush flushes through her cheeks.

The sound of the rain lulls him back to sleep soon enough, but she stays awake, desperate to keep this moment of bliss. Of content and happiness. But her body can't fight the tug, and she eventually slips back into the dark void.


So, it's been a rainy day for me and this is how I wish I spent it ahaha. Anyway, chapter just makes me feel so warm. I hope you guys liked it even though it's not as action-packed as my other chapters. Sometimes you just gotta have a soft and sweet chapter.

Well, that's all for now. I love you all

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Moth: A Short Story
My Divergent FanFic Series
A Girl By Any Other Voice

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