Heros and Villains

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They were in love with her. Both utterly and completely in love with her. Once friends, now enemies, Nyx and Quin's hearts' both beat for Margot.


The three of them were friends when they were younger. They would run through the fields by their manors until supper, then sneak out again after dark to go to the river.

They would test their gifts by the rive; Nyx controlling the dark, bending it to his will, Quin would summon fire, always scaring away Nyx's shadows that loomed around him. And Margot could bend the Earth, raising plants or shifting the ground. The three of them were a force to be reckoned with after dark, down at the river's edge.

As they grew, the boys saw Margot in a new light, as all boys do. Their gifts became assets to impress Margot, who simply laughed and rolled her eyes at their antics. This went on for years, but they all stayed friends.

When Margot came of age, a year after both Nyx and Quin, her parents determined that she needed to go to school in the east to learn to control her powers, make her into a weapon, since the threat of a war was looming. The boys, both desperate to earn Margot's heart, met up at the river one last night, before she was set to leave the next afternoon.

Nyx and Quin arrived at the river's edge before Margot and begin taunting each other. Quin had brought Margot flowers, while Nyx fashioned a black necklace out of the night itself.

Quin told Nyx that Margot hadn't liked black, and he was not worthy of her. Quin created sparks, burning Nyx's gift.

The necklace was all but a pile of ashes when Margot arrived, and Quin gave her the flowers. She beamed, saying that they would look beautiful in her new room at the school.

Nyx didn't say anything to Margot. He let his anger radiate through his body, but kept his face calm. Margot had asked him what was wrong, and he told her to ask Quin.

What he hadn't expected was Quin's answer. Quin informed both of them that he would be going with Margot to the school, to learn how to use his own gifts. Margot screeched, jumping into Quin's arms.

At that, Nyx let out his rage, throwing the three of them into a whirlwind of darkness. While Quin and Margot were blinded, Nyx took ahold of Quin's face, scratching a talon, formed from shadows, down his face, creating a gash.

"I will remember this," he hissed into his ear. Quin screamed with pain, dropping to the floor. Margot screamed too, as Nyx took her hands in his.

"Stop this!" she pleaded, but Nyx let his shadows swirl.

"I'm sorry, Margot. I'm sorry we didn't have time. I'll find you one day," he said, kissing her lips, the memories of every stolen moment, embrace, kiss, coming back to him. For he was hers, and she was his.

Margot gasped for air, crying, when the shadows relented, revealing Quin on the ground, and Nyx gone with the night.


"Quin," I plead, my voice only a whisper. Hot tears stream down my face as I look into his fiery eyes.

"I have to, Mar," he murmured. "The Dark King's army will be here any moment. And they'll take you, and turn you into a weapon." Tears fall down his face, trailing over the scar, charred with darkness from the night, as he cups my face with his hand. "The Dark King will use you to kill thousands."

"I know," I cry, holding his other wrist that holds a dagger, the tip red with fire. "But there has to be another way." He shakes his head, bringing the dagger closer to my abdomen.

"There's not. I have to do this to save the world."

"Please," I plead, crying harder. Before Quin could respond, shadows blasted him back. My hands flew up to my face in defense, readying myself to be blown back by the Dark King's power, too. But a figure stands before me, guarding me from the shadows. Quin groaned, and after the shadows faded, I could see him lying on his back, clutching his side, the figure now looming over him.

"I understand you wish to save the world, Quin," a familiar voice, one I only hear in my dreams, says. "But if you ever go near Margot again, I will end you." Through my tears, I see Nyx standing over Quin, pressing a shadow to his throat. Quin claws at it, but there is nothing to be clawed at.

"Nyx," I breath, my heart shattering and reforming, my stomach doing somersaults, as I look into his dark eyes. The shadows render Quin unconscious as he walks to me, an arm outstretched.

"Margot," he echos as I stand, running to his outstretched arms. He wraps them around me and I breath in the smell of night. I bury my face into his neck, tears still running down my face. Nyx's grip on my body tightens as his hands run down my hair, over my back.

"You came back for me." The words come out as a whimper.

"Darling, I would tear the world apart to find you again," he whispers as is shadows close around us, vanishing us from the spot.


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(part 21)

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