A Touch of Psycho (Part 2)

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My back presses hard against Reed's as we both back up, trying to get away. Men circle around us, ready to capture and take us to their boss. My knife feels heavy in my outstretched hand, warning them to stay away.

It's almost comical how if you look just over their shoulders, the skyline of the city is perfectly normal. It feels as though the world should be turning over with us, but it's not. It's just our lives that are ending.

The warmth of Reed's back against mine is all the protection I have against the cold, night air. Slowly, his hand moves, gripping mine.

"Do you think..." I trail off, not wanting to finish the question.

"We'll be fine, Raine. Just... just run, the first chance you get."

"I'm not leaving you," I whisper, fear rising in my throat.

"Well," he laughs shakily. "You would've been feeding me to them four months ago.

"Stop," I whisper, closing my eyes as the men get closer.

"Stop playing," one of them says, their voice in a high sing-song pitch. "We don't have all night. And I'd rather not haul two dead bodies trough the city tonight."

"So you have orders then," Reed speaks up. "To take us dead or alive." The crowd snickers. I try to keep my face calm, bored even, but I'm anything but.

"Stupid boy," the same man sneers. "You'll be dead by the time the sun sets tomorrow, weather by my hand or another's. You'll be dead."

Reed's grip tightens on my hand once more before he let's go completely, the warmth of his body leaving mine. Without turning around, I hear grunts of men and the smashing of fists. The men standing in front of me are stunned for a moment. I take that moment to run towards them, pushing my knife through one's gut. His breath comes out rugged in my ear as I throw him off of me, onto the concrete of the roof.

Funny how I'm always killing on roofs.

I turn my attention to the next man as he grabs my wrist, yanking me around. I come face to face with a pale, brown-haired man, growing a small stubble—probably to make himself look tougher. His face is angry as I stare him down, smiling. His scream pierces the air as I drag my knife down his arm, starting from the backside of his wrist up to his elbow.  His grip falters and I take the opportunity to shove the knife into his gut, his blood merging with the other man's on my blade.

My victory is short lived as two hand grab my shoulders, turning me around. My face is met with the man who was speaking, the leader. "Hello," he coos, his sickly breath coating my face. I thrash in his arms, kicking him in the groin. As he buckles over in pain, another force, another man, pushes me back, hard. I scream as I fall off a step, me head smashing on the concrete corner.

Everything begins to blur. Black spots appear out of nowhere. And suddenly, I am tired. My whole body begins to weigh down with the promise of rest. A warm blanket even seems to appear under my head, moving outward.

My eyes flutter, opening and closing just to see a blur of images before me.

I'm so tired.

Shouts and screams fill the air.

I'm tired of all this fighting.

My body slumps into the warmth, my eyes closing.

A scream, however, sticks out, louder than any other. "Raine!" I hear, over and over. "Raine!"

My eyes open against my will, looking for a dark figure being held back by two others.

"Don't you dare close your eyes, Raine!" Reed shouts. But I'm so tired. I have no more energy. I'm sick of the fighting.

"Fight, damn it!" he shouts again, his voice becoming more desperate. "Fight, Raine!" His screams are shattering, shattering everything.

"Please!" That word comes out broken, strained and broken. Broken enough to force my eyes open. I will the blurry haze away, trying to find Reed.

Reed's body is still heals back by two men, his arms behind his back as he trashes, trying to get to me, tears streaming down his face. I feel his gaze burning my mangled body, the blood pooling under me.

"Fight," he begs, his eyes finding mine. Silent tears run down my cheek, the warmth contrasting the cold of my skin. "Please, Raine, Fight for me. Fight so we can have our time together, our life together. Please," he screams, making my heart constrict and washing the pull of sleep away. More tears cloud my vision as I watch him fight—fight to get free, fight for me, fight for us.

I have to fight. I need to fight for my future with him. Otherwise, all of this was for nothing.


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Moth: A Short Story
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A Girl By Any Other Voice

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