The Blurred Lines of Right and Wrong

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Previously titled "There Was No Good Side"
*DISCLAIMER! I'm going to be reusing names from previous chapters but that DOES NOT mean they are the same plot line! If they are the same plot line, the titles will be the same with the part number next to it :)*

And then I saw him; a glimmer of silver across the blood stricken battle field. His horse, black as night, was also dressed in silver armor. The king sat atop the horse, sword drawn, moving slowly towards the main battle, where I stand.

Soldiers come at me from every angle, desperate to take me out. My men from the sky, circling with their black wings, larger than their own bodies, shoot them down before they can harm the Commander, me.

Callan, I say into his mind, holstering my power to talk to my strongest warrior in the sky.

Yes? I hear him think.

I need you to cover me. I'm going after the king. I feel a tremor go down his spine as he circles above me.

Amalie you can't! He protests.

I am. Cover me or don't, I reply, then shut down the connection. I hear the flapping of Callan's wings above me as I run though the field that is now littered with bodies; my men, and the king's men, dead.

Two soldiers cover the king as he moves through the destruction, looking for survivors. Fury and rage fills my bones.

He sat there and watched. He let his men die for him when I fought alongside mine.

Glancing up to the sky, Callan's bow is already drown with two bewitched arrows. I run for a second more so that I'm only ten yards away from them, their backs to me.


As the command leaves my mind, Callan's arrows fly, taking out both soldiers. The king sits upon his horse, dumbfounded, sword still drawn. He jumps off of it, the horse immediately running away, turning around to face me. His dark eyes meet mine and I can tell we both have the same expression on our face. Fury and rage and bloodlust.

I want him dead, I want him to suffer for all he's done, and I want him killed by my hands.

I take off running towards him, a sword in each hand raised high. A war cry erupts from my tongue as the silver of his sword clashes with mine.

The old king stood no chance against me.

I sliced his arm first, making the grip on his sword falter. My blade strode across his knees next, forcing him to buckles over in pain. When his sword dropped from his bleeding hand, I took my chance.

His long, grey hair was rough in my hands as I used it to pull his head back, my blade next to his throat. The crown atop his head is covered in dirt and blood. His eyes pleaded with me for mercy.

"After I cut off your head," I sneer into his ear, pushing the blade against his neck a little harder. "I'm going to take over your kingdom, and make it powerful once again."

"Please," he begs. "I have children."

"So did I." As his eyes flash with realization of who I am, what he did, my blade slashes his throat, the magic of it cutting his head clean off.


The doors of the throne room burst open before me, revealing the subjects of the king's now destroyed kingdom. Women and children and the remaining soldiers from the battle cower on either side of the red carpet.

I walk through the door, Callan just behind me on my right, and the remaining people of my army flanking behind him. My war clothes flow behind me in shreds. The scratch of my sword, trailing along the floor, from me dragging it, is the only sound in the room. Along with the drip of blood from the king's head that I hold in my other hand. People gawk at me, at the crown covered in blood that sits atop my head.

I reach the throne sitting at the end of the room and turn around.

"Amalie Elron, your new Queen," Callan announces as I sit atop the throne, looking at my subjects.


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Moth: A Short Story
My Divergent FanFic Series
A Girl By Any Other Voice

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