Broken Promises

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My ballgown, a deep blue like the ocean, sparkling from the torch lit hall, trails behind me as I roam the halls. My bare feet patter on the cold stone floor, tingling from the temperature. A soft breeze from the ocean flows through the castle windows, biting at my skin, but I don't mind; I don't mind the shivers it sends down my spine, for it reminds me I am alive.

The moonlight dances with the firelight ahead of me, making the hall glow. I smile at the familiar sight, the sight I seek out every night, paired with the silence of the sleeping castle.

My face rests in a soft smile as my fingers trail along the walls, my gaze set on the sloping cliff down to the ocean just outside the window. It is not until I reach the corner that my gaze strays from the world outside to the orange glow of the hallway. It's not until I reach that corner and my gaze stray that I see him, huddled in a corner, barely hidden by the castle walls. He would have been hidden to anyone else; but, I grew up in this castle, I know all of the hiding spots and more. I know where to look.

I lift my dress off the floor, silencing its quite rustle as it slid across the floor. On my tiptoes, I walk slowly toward him, scared of what I may find.

His knees are presses against his chest, the dark fabric he's wearing clinging to his skin, accentuating ever muscle on his toned body. His brow hair falls over his forehead with soft curls, further hiding his face that is buried in his knees. But I don't need to see his face, for it is burned into my mind, forever memorized.

My breath hitches when he throws his head back against the wall, his eyes closed. I look over the hard lines of his face, the pure agony written plainly on his mocha skin. His skin, however, glistens in the soft orange light. Tears, I realize, streak down is face, as his chest heaves, holding in his sobs. His hands, strong, with veins covering them, shake as he covers his face once more. Sobs, quiet but escaping, rack his body.

Every sense of logic shatters, along with my heart, as I walk over to him. My dress fans out below me as I kneel. My hand shakes as I extend it to his knee, making him jerk at the contact. He quickly pulls his hands away from his face, red with tears.

Our eyes meet and my breath hitches, a million emotions crashing into me.

"Sorin," I whisper, my voice breaking. My trembling hand reaches to his face, softly wiping away the warm tears. "Sorin," I whisper again, my fingers stroking his cheek. A sob tears through his body as his eyes flutter closed, tears falling. My heart clenches at the agony on his face.

Sorin cries again, the sounds filling the halls. Pulling him to my body, I let him bury his face in my chest, clutching him to me, as if that could take his pain away. His tears soak my chest, but I couldn't care any less.

"I'm here," I whisper in his ear, my face in his neck. I hold him in my arms, one hand on the back of his head, his soft hair tickling my fingers.

"Don't leave me," his broken voice whispers as he clutches at my back, his fingers strong, yet soft. "Please, Alie, don't leave."

"I won't." Tears prick my eyes as I say the words. "I won't. Never again."


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Moth: A Short Story
My Divergent FanFic Series
A Girl By Any Other Voice

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