Beautiful To Me

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The image in the mirror stares back at me, it's eyes—my eyes—burning into me. I lean closer, resting my hands on the bathroom counter as I examine my face and the new spots dotting it.

The sounds of gunfire and crashing cars comes from the video game in the other room where Cameron plays his game. His laugh fills the air making me smile.

My eyes soon skirt to my body, picking out and scrutinizing all the places where I see too much skin folding under my clothes. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I stare at my hips where they dip and then stick out. I almost groan.

Turning to the side, I pull up my shirt and almost groan again when I see my stomach rolling under my leggings.  My abdomen sticks out way further than I'd like.

"Baby," I hear Cameron call from the other room.


"Come here. Now." His tone surprises me, almost sounding mad. I pull my shirt back over my stomach, sucking in, and walking into our bedroom that is connected to the bathroom. I find the TV on the game's home screen, the call with his friends ended. Making my way to his chair, I place my hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.

"Yeah?" I ask, utterly confused. Cameron grabs my waist in a swift motion, pulling me onto his lap. I smile, but he looks angry. "What?"

"I'm going to take every single mirror out of this house if you don't stop picking yourself apart."

"I wasn't," I say quickly, taken aback by his anger.

"You can't lie to me, baby," he says, his gaze still angry, his eyes still dark.

"I'm not!" I protest, my hands resting on his firm chest.

"Ari," he whispers, pulling me closer. "Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. I watch you stand there for ages picking apart you body and it kills me," he says, his voice cracking. "You stare and you get insecure and it kills me."

"I wasn't... I don't-" Cameron stands up without warning and turns off the TV completely. I wrap my legs around his waist as he holds me up, walking to the bed. A giggle escapes me as he throws me back onto the bed. I'm immediately surrounded by blankets a pillows.

Not a moment later, Cameron hovers over me, pinning my wrists above my head. Suddenly, I stop smiling as his intense stare bores into me.

"Loose the attitude and listen to me," he whispers, his breath tickling my face. My stomach begins knotting as I try to squirm out of his grasp. He holds me tighter. "Stop looking in the mirror. You are perfect." My body goes limp as I look into his eyes. "And I love you."


say it with me:
I am beautiful, I am loved, and I matter.
now say it again :)

i love you all so much, you are all beautiful.


anyway, thank you all for reading this chapter! vote and comment if you liked it!

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Moth: A Short Story
My Divergent FanFic Series
A Girl By Any Other Voice

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