Chapter 11

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I hope you love this chapter as much as I love writing it. Enjoy reading.


"Do I know you? You seem familiar" he suddenly said and that make me looked at him in shocked.

"Don't tell me he know who I am now" I said to myself.

"Umm... Ummm" I was stuttering so much words cannot even form.

He looked at me and chuckled because of how nervous I was. Remember he is pinning me against the wall but didn't release me yet.

"Never mind" He said and released me.

"Why did you say that saying I never change... Do you know me before? " He said curiously.

"No why  you think that anyways I think my work here is done" I said as I was rushing to his bedroom door but was stopped by his hand.

"So Ye" He said.

"You forgot your phone" He handed me my phone, smile and  wave as I walked out from his room.


Finally I can breath again. For some  odd reason he made me feel so weird. When I am around him, I always feel suspicious feeling around him while my heart is racing very fast.

I shake my head "Nevermind about that stick to the plan" as I was laying on my bed looking through my phone.

Well no one is messaging me or calling me might as well go to sleep I said to myself as I switched off the bedside lamp and tucked myself inside the blanket and dozed off to sleep.

At around 4 am my phone started ringing that make me awake. Thinking it was my friend Soo Bin asking for the school assignment as I know she studied very early in the morning before going to school.I answered grumpily " There better be something important to tell me like I shared my secrets about him to you"

There was a slight paused" Well that will be something I'll like to hear more about it" a deep voice said.

I get upright, knowing that voice does not belong to Soo Bin. Soo Bin voice is not as deep as this was and beside this is a man voice. I looked at the screen" Unknown caller". It cannot be. It really cannot be him. That voice. Quickly I put my phone to my ear "Suho how did you get my number?" I yelled.

Suho heard me yelled but he actually enjoying it "Feisty as ever I see".

"Suho are you deaf how did you get my number I didn't remember giving it to you" as I was getting annoyed.

"Well I got the number as I was handing the phone back to you" He said calmly.

His morning voice so smoothly to hear. It is soft and calm to my ears.

"That's call stealing Suho" I replied.

"I'm hanging up now" I said without hesitation.

"Wait... Wait!" Suho shouted.

"What!" I grunted with irritation.

"I have a question for you?" Suho said.

"Go on I let you off the hook this time as I am sleepy"

"So Ye have you ever felt like you made a mistake before and now you felt guilty but want to fix it" He said and that made me think.

"Yes everyone have that feeling before as for me I regret saying bad things towards my dad" I replied.

"Yeah I did a lot of mistakes before but now I want to change for the better I regret everything" I looked at the ceiling and mumbled he wanted to changed.

"Do you know there's this one girl that I used to like but my ego got into me and everything fall apart... I just remembered her face only"

"Oh wow you most like her very much then" I said.

"Yeah I do very much actually enough about me tell me about yourself" He said grinning.

"Nothing much really I am just a simple girl" I said nervously. I can't tell my backstory what if I accidentally tell him what he did to me in middle school.

"So Ye this is the first time I heard your calm voice I like it its pretty" he complimented me.

I felt butterflies as he said that. Maybe getting closed to him isn't going to be hard.


Walking to school as always with my friend Soo Bin.

"So let me get this straight Suho is your neighbour now and her mom asked you to bring a box to his room and you two almost kiss and he got your number" Soo Bin said as she clarifying what I told her.

"Yeah that basically what happened yesterday... I am still angry that he steal my phone number but I let it slide as I have a plan to end him for good" I replied as we reached the school gate.

There were a lot of students walking around as we were early to go to school.

As we were about to go inside the school grounds we were stopped by someone. He rides a motorbike. Yes Baekhyun. He opened his helmet and smiles at me.

"Good morning So Ye" He grinned.

"Morning" I said smiling back.

"Remember that we have something we text about the other day" I said as to help him remember.

We were saying this so loud everyone stopped and looked at us in the distance.

"Oh yes you were cute in the picture you send me" As he said that my heart was beating so fast.

"So Ye I know that we known each other for a few days but will you go out with me" Baekhyun said out loud as everyone cheered but accept for one particular person. He was just staring at us.

"Starting today you will be my girlfriend" He said and everyone cheer as I looked at Suho with his pissed face.

"So Ye and Baekhyun is a couple now they like the hottest couple in school" one of the boys said as everyone cheered for us again.

"So Ye I need to talk to you" Suho dashed in the crowd and grabbed my arm but stopped by Baekhyun and said "Where are you going with my girl"

All according to plan I said to myself.


The story is about to get interesting what will happen next? Vote and comment it means a lot.

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