Chapter 17

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Hi guys this might be a short chapter but I hope you all still enjoy it. The next chapter is next week. Enjoy reading.


The bell rings. I shove my history notes along with the test you got a B on into the bottom of your worn backpack. Everyone in the class scrambles out of the door, as if their life depends on it, and you follow, spilling out into the locker-lined hallway.

The hallway itself is long, stretching in a straight line. The walls are finished with a soft greyish blue colour and the sides are lined with sand.

Every few steps, I find myself slowing down, stopping, sidestepping, bumping into someone, giving people nasty stares, and starting up again. Doors open, outwards of course, causing me to swerve into oncoming traffic, as loud and obnoxious freshman disseminate into the herd of people.

I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. Some people are looking at me not because they hated me like when I was in middle school but they were staring at me because I was beautiful.

Don't get me wrong being pretty and beautiful is a wonderful thing to have but sometimes I don't want people to stare at me all the time. I just want some personal space.

"I got to head to the library to return some books I think won't join you for lunch" Soo Bin said shoving her book to her locker

"It's fine my sister and Yi Soo is there to keep me company" I replied.

"See you" she said, good-bye to me.

When I finished putting my books in the locker, I heard a voice that I had heard before.  It looks like the person is talking with someone I don't who.

I walked to see who they were, when I saw who they were. I was hiding behind the door. They were in a room, a music room to be precise. I learned that they were singing so heavenly. They had a beautiful and wonderful voice. I was looking at them. It was Suho and her friend who were a lot taller than him. He's got a sharp jawline with a pointed nose and some wavy black smooth back hair. With his bronze skins, he was so attractive.

"Let's take a break" Suho said as he tossed a water bottle to the person next to him.

"Are you sure you're going to sing and dance for the talent show next month.. Kai?" Suho ask as they were sitting on the chairs.

So his name was Kai.

"Yeah me and Lay will be doing a performance together you know who lay is right"

"Yeah the Chinese guy in my class... He kind off quiet but he is friendly with his classmates" Suho stated.

"Yes that him we will be dancing to sorry sorry and you will be singing a song right what song? " Kai questions.

"Wait and see what song I will be singing" Suho replied.

"Suho why are we barely hanging out anymore not as much as per usual " Kai said and Suho just paused for awhile like he was nervous or something.

"What you talking about? We are friends Kai we hang out a lot" Suho fake laugh.

"I not mean us two but with Baekhyun us as a trio... What we were before" Kai added.

"Let's talk about someone else but not him" Suho changed the subject.

"Everytime I said or mention about Baek you change the topic I know what happened to you two but please I want us to be friends again" Kai said with a calmer tone.

"I will never forgive him..." Suho replied to him.

"What if it is a misunderstanding and he didn't mean to do it to you? " Kai said.

What actually happened to them in the past. Now I am curious.

"It cannot be" Suho denied it.

"But-" Kai was about to say something but got cut off by me as I lost balance and fa inwards towards the room they were in.

Well this is awkward.

"I had to go now you two have fun" I said awkwardly and they both looked at me.

"How many have you heard So Ye?" Suho question as I felt nervous all of a sudden.

" Umm" I panicked.

"So this is So Ye he told me a lot about you" Kai smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you I'm Kai" He offered a handshake and I shake his hand and said "Nice to meet you".

"Well you two just talk about what ever you did before and I will be going now" I said and I rushed outside and left their faces was puzzled.

I was running  through the hallway did not looked where I was going and I got bumped into someone and a photo came out from my bag. She picked it up and I continued to run away and said sorry as I was running. I did not pay attention who the person was I just said sorry for bumping into that person.

"Wow you're her I can't believe this now it make sense you being angry at me for no reason yesterday as we were cleaning the class... Now let's see who is the mean one here" She said as she looked at the picture of me when I was in middle school with a smirk.


So she knows So Ye real her or she know her secret. What will happen next wait and see. Comment and vote it means a lot.

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