My Microwave said I was fat

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This shit can't be real. I fucking can't anymore. Fucking 8pm in the morning and the first thing I fucking have to do is to bust that labtop open and go to a fucking meeting just to see a 34 Pixel women and a bunch of crapy circles without profile pictures on the lower corner which mine of them is a fucking picture of Jesus holding Eijiro Kirishima from My Hero Academia instead of a fucking ass lamb bitch ass Mehehehe-creature ass bitch. FUCK! Just fucking FUCK! Getting up in the freezing Morning for a shitty 30 minutes video call meeting bullshit and then getting homework tossed into my Output folder like a fucking frezzbe and then have the god damn audacity to say it needs to be finished in one hour and this one in the next and that fucking one till 3am BITCH let me FUCKING EAT. I aint one of the Apebutt-fuckers that wake up at 6 in the morning from a perfekt 8 hour sleep to have some dumb cereal breakfast while listening to lacrimosa from Wolfgang Amadeus fucking Mozart as if they live like the fucking royal family. I can't listen to your presentation about your fucking country, Mike, while my love-mayonese-into-a-fucking-fetus-maker Organ is playing twister and is leaking a cup full of red Iron with little playdoo pieces onto my fucking favorite pajama pants. ASS FUCKING ASS. I need a fucking shower, because my hair feels like Gordon Ramsey tried to cock Balls with olive oil on my head plus I smell like the colour green with a hint of cyan and pistachio and my fucking hairy legs look like a game of Jumanji is going on between these roots. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA