Herbert Hoover shat herself to death

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I can't believe this audacity. My ass tryna having good grades after having 0 points on my latest math exam and this stupid "ill teach you about America being broke af and nazis" teacher interrupted me 2 fucking dingelidongdong times to ask me dumb questions after her stupid ass fish eyes saw me taking notes on everything she said. u fuck ur a history teacher you should know it yourself dumb fuck that aint my job. And then she comes up with some pictures of a white crusty old ass fuck and asks me what I have to say about it. NOTHING I have no fucking clue who his ass was And I don't care what his ass does. "how much does it cost for you to say a single sentence? 5€? 10€?" du verdammter nuttensohn It costs your mouth to shut while I'm busy concentrating. maybe costs glassees for your blind fucks. at that moment silence wove over the room while tried to build her shit sentence in my head but couldn't bring it up because my 2 millimeters-brain was not able to figure out the number between 1933 - 1945 and yes the white crusty old ass fuck was that dick Franklin D. Roosenvelt cause he has a D in his name. Mam, I did not fail the math exam on purpose. It took me so long to figure out that she randomly picked someone else, great now that counts as a unterrichtsverweigerung 0 points. After that this B picked me again in a random time I swear she doing it on purpose BITCH CANT YOU USE YOUR EYES YOUR MOTHER HAS GIVEN TO YOU AND DISCERN MY HAND NOT BEING UP AND INSTED ON MY NOTES WITH A PEN BETWEEN FINGERS YOU SHOULD KNOW IT ON HITLER

This Time I said that I was tryna write but hell no she not giving a dingilydanfuck about it and interrupted me again "can you put your pen down and answer the question?" bitch no I can't

*loses my marbles like squid game people but doesn't show* "what was the question?" dumb bitch what is her Goal tryna putting me in awkward positions.

she asks me a retarded ass question and I did not had the capicity what to say so I answered some bullshit and she didn't understood me because I was wearing a mask (also because of the fact my answer was as awful as the smell of piss) So I talked louder but she aint hearing I swear to the hot teacher from sonic x this bitch does non of the seeing and non of the hearing at my ass. BRO HOW OBVIOUS DO I HAVE TO CRAFT THIS PIECE OF SHET INTO FOR YOU TO TAKE IT AS I "I don't know that's why im here" AND LEAVE IT. MY ASS CANT JUST magically PULL A SENTENCE OUT OF THIN AIR. IM NOT MADE FOR THIS CRAP.

after that I still had some marbles left to learn this stuff so I can voluntarily tell about it next lesson so I can get better grades (I also voluntarily sign myself in for a math exam I had in the same week) So not Did I also wasted a day for the math exam I wasn't even picked

YEA YOU READ IT RIGHT. I ACTUALLY RAISED MY HAND THIS TIME AND EVERYONE CHEERED FOR ME BUT SOME OTHER ASS "I like jung kook <3" LOOKING GIRL WAS PICKED INSTED AND SHE DIDNT EVEN KNEW BETTER. I swear my shaggy saggy ass fuck is not meant for collage. Imma sit at home and write smut fanfictions about my cancer konichiwa bitches HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH UWU XD RAWR HAHAHAHAHAH