I fucked up

32 4 0

thanks lil bitch

She said two of my recipes were not good for my final project. Mam, are you kidding me? I did fucking everything for it. I speedrun through that shit and made everything perfect and I cooked that shit, made the table look like a fucking restaurant.I almost killed myself that was fucking dangerous I could have died.all that hard work and this nutenficker said Its gonna be voted badly because my muffins and pizza sticks are not durable?I fucking broke my gaddamn back like yo grandma when she fell down the fucking mall escalator and spend my weekend for this shit and the only thing I ate was a fucking fish. Say that shit again I dare you to say that fucking ass hella dipshit crap another time that I have to do that again and I will fucking shove my Pizza sticks up your nostrils and stuff my muffins into your fucking eyes.

I was so fucking motivated but now I don't wanna keep doing this mistake. Thank you very much you son of a whore.

Adults ruining my day that is so cute I could vomit.