mustard smells like piss mayonnaise

50 4 0

"may I do the bavarian creme?"

"you can already do gelatine desserts"


Damn fucking cunt. Gosh, damn Crikey bastard ass fuck. Rubbish twat. "that's not going to be frothy"

Well, praise you miss 'I have a doctor appointment, hurry up' I wasn't the one that fucking choose to bake something I could not fucking bake. Have to go to fucking school even tho it's the day where I have to take home office fucking Bloody Hell still needed to go to this shit place cause cooking and baking is important I fucking guess so, fucking thought I'm here to learn how to do it. Instead, I get the blame for cracking them Bloody Hell ass eggs too soon gad damn blessing fuck blame the fucking receipt for not describing when I have to put them bitches inside that fucking mess of butter and sugar or perhaps blame your fucking self for being a lil bitch. Ass fuck go slip off a bridge before I perform it and arrive in the frezzin' ass river named Isar. "The cake has to bake for 20 minutes why are you still mixing?"

the cake is still not frothy

"it's not going to be. you supposed to mix for a few minutes. you were mixing for 15 minutes!" shut your ass up you wanker. This hella bitch was stopping everyone in the fucking kitchen 2 fucking times to show us how things work for 15 minutes I ain't to shit fucking son of a bitch and had the fucking audacity to say the vomit locking shit dough was being mixed that fucking long? I am not Gordan Ramsey and you fucking neither. However, that ain't the worst.

this bitch.
this fucking bitch. had. her. clock not set one hour after. and said it was 2 pm even tho I thought it was 1 pm and that I have much time. 

you bitch.

"look at the clock it's 2 pm yall should be going home already"

Uhm??? mam????? perhaps you lock at the fucking clock???? see that shit???? It is fucking not. And you know what she did to my dough? She. fucking. put. that. chocolate fucker in a plastic bag and then another and told me I should finish it at hOME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS SHE THINKN'? Ain't gon walk home with a fuking bag that looks like dog shit that feels like soft balls and sit on a bus with it. I trew that shit in the rubbish bin as soon as I left this hell of a fucking place. Of course, I didn't have time to finish this mf because this Dick head took 35 minutes to show up to class while I was sitting on the dusty ugly ass floor like a fucking homeless mf hurry yourself up, bastard.

This bullshit ain't even finished. How the fucking fuck did my teacher saw my unfinished homework and said it wasn't finished, MAM?? have you fucking noticed that this bitch wasn't submitted?? How can you read it?? Besides I don't do homework anyway so be fucking happy I started to do one but thanks for saying it wasn't good shut up shut up shut the fucking balls fuck up.