Drum Majors

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Background info if ya'll don't know what a drum major is:

So basically a drum major is like an extra band director I guess. For on-field marching band, there are about 2-4 "extra band directors" to help the director out with conducting (waving your arms around and making the band play) and finding your marching dot or spot (wherever you're standing and where you move next on the field) since one director probably would struggle keeping up with about 180 kids with crazy loud instruments. (I really really really want to be drum major but idk if I'll be good at it)

If you're in band, what instrument do you play? I play flute (hopefully piccolo next year!)

Summary: You and Draco are the only drum majors for your high school marching band (this takes place in regular high school and not Hogwarts and also in America). Draco was already drum major for a year and you were a new one, so the band director asked Draco to "train" you so you can conduct the band. Draco was an arrogant athlete that happened to be at the top of all his classes and extracurriculars like band. He hated it when you made the smallest mistake in your conducting or whistles or when demonstrating a move. Draco's snarky comments and rude glares made you really mad. What did you ever do to make him hate you? The fact that he was really attractive made things worse. 

Ok so it says Holla here in the end and that's just what we call my band director but whatever.

Bold words would be some that not everyone would know so I'll explain them up here. (I think there's only one)

Mark time: where you lift the heels off the ground (alternating starting with left foot)

Y/N's POV:

My phone chimed and I lift it to view the notification that dare bothers me while I'm reading. This better be important. Is that an email from the band director? He said he was going to email the students that became part of the leadership team. 

Congrats to Y/N L/N for becoming the next drum major! Our two drum majors at the moment are now Y/N L/N and Draco Malfoy. 

Oh shit. The first rehearsal is in a week. 


First band rehearsal came up quickly. That day, the band leadership team, drum majors, band managers, section leaders, and group captains would help to demonstrate the moves. First up was mark time. Now normally when marching, the left foot should leave the ground first. Instead, I accidentally lifted my right. 

Draco snickered. "Alright freshies! Y/N over here is teaching you what not to do! Always start on your left foot. That way, you'll be in step with everyone. Y/N, why don't you do the march-in-place that people show on little kid TV shows? Show that to the freshies would you?" I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"I'm not in Mickey Mouse, Malfoy." Draco gives me a glare before proceeding to demo the correct way. "Alright, so the command for mark time is mark time mark. And you guys respond with and one while lifting your left heel. Got it?" Why does he have to be so cute...wait what?

"Alright! You are going to mark time for 16 counts and then halt. Y/N, count them in." The band director says. 

"Uh okay...mark time mark..." I say, though it came out a lot quieter than I thought. 

"And one..." The band muttered lazily. Great. I suck at this. 

I count in my head and after 16 counts, Draco yells (instead of me) "Band, halt!"

They all stop, ending after putting their left heel down. 

"Look, Y/N they're all better than you. Remind me, how did you become drum major?" Draco leans closer to me slightly and nudging me with his elbow. 

"Shut it Malfoy." I mutter, not wanting to put up with him. 

Throughout the rehearsal, Draco kept commenting on little mistakes that I made. On the backwards march, I almost fell on my ass and me yelling the commands just wasn't working. It frustrated me that he couldn't leave me alone. After all the kids packed up and left, the only people left were the drum majors (me and Draco) and the director. 

"Alright! Great job you two. I just need you guys to get the ladder, yard line markers, and stands from outside and then you can leave." 

We nod and walk out of the band room and back to the field. Draco started to fold the stands that drum majors stood on. There were only two, so I started grabbing the yard line markers. We'd need to work together for the ladder anyways because it is so big. 

"Hey, L/N! Go get the ladder!" Draco yelled at me after I put the little triangular yard markers away. 

"What! But I can't get that all myself!" I exclaim. 

"You're just fucking weak. Go get it! I got the stands and all you did was get the yard line things!"

"Fine." I grumble, not wanting to argue with him. The ladder was extremely tall. The only thing I could do was fold it and slowly drag it inside. I sigh and got to work. It only folded together to make it less wide, but the height was still the same. 

Slowly, I drag it while being careful that it didn't tip over and fall on me. I only got so far when I felt raindrops on my skin. "Fuck. How the hell am I supposed to get this inside?" I mutter. It only started raining faster. 

Frustrated, I pull harder, only to have my hands slip from the metal that was now wet. I brace for impact that was probably going to kill me. But it never came. I didn't even hear the ladder fall onto the concrete. What the--?

"Are you okay?" A voice asked me. "You should be more careful. I mean, you could get seriously hurt if this fell on you!"

"Malfoy, why would you care, huh? Because you wouldn't have anyone to make fun of? Because you could obviously pick other people to pick on but why is it always me?" I was beyond pissed. Draco said that he wasn't going to help me with this ladder. Does he think I'm weak?

"Because I like you! Okay, there's your answer! I don't mean anything I said to you. I only pick on you because I want your attention. And I'm sorry I didn't help with this ladder. But you can forget everything I said just about now because you obviously don't like me bac-- "

I cut him off with a quick kiss. "Oh shit...sorry..." I mutter when I realize what I did, but instead of saying anything, Draco pulled me into his arms, letting go of the ladder, and kissing me again, this time not letting me leave his arms. 

"So...that means you like me?"

"Yes you idiot!" I say, lightly hitting his chest. Suddenly, something clattered on the concrete parking lot. "Oh, shit is that the ladder?"

"Fuck...yeah." The two of us laugh and pull away, pick up the ladder and drag it inside. 

"Hey, uh...you wanna go get some ice cream?" I nod and Draco leads me to his car, which by the way, was a fancy black and silver Mustang. 

"Do you think Holla will notice that the ladder is dented?"

"Probably. We're screwed." I laugh. 

"Yeah. We are."

So I have no idea where the inspo for this imagine came up but I like this one! Also this is a little late but thanks for the 100 followers! There's a face reveal in my rant book if you wanna go check that out...warning I'm kinda ugly

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