Kissing My Best Friend

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So I saw this tiktok that inspired me to do this. Lol idk if this is going to be good or not but tell me what you think. 

House: Doesn't matter

Year: 5th

Blood: Pure

Summary: Draco got an iPhone when he went to the muggle world (Lucius doesn't knowww) and he has a huge crush on you. He's really popular on TikTok and Instagram. So you come over to the Manor a lot because your parents are friends. Both of you like each other but don't know it. Draco had a plan to tell you how he feels. He sets up the camera (where you couldn't see it) and when you were reading, he'd sit next to you then kiss you to see how you'd react. 

Narrator's POV:

Draco being crazy guy he is, bought an iPhone when he went to the muggle world even though he hates muggles. He found the little device to be super helpful and really fun to play around with. That's why he got his best friend, Y/N one too. Of course, like every rom-com ever, he ended up being head over heels for her but she doesn't need to know that. 

Y/N, on the other hand, doesn't really use the iPhone Draco bought her. Not that she didn't like it...she was worried her parents would catch her using such a device. But she occasionally did keep up with Draco's Instagram and TikTok. It was much easier to send a text than a letter. Why would you send a full, long, handwritten letter when you can send small and simple texts to check up on your friends? 

The two hung out a lot. Today was one of those days. Y/N thought it would be normal: just the two of them hanging out, laughing, complaining about school, and taking weird pictures. But for Draco, he was more nervous than ever. He planned on kissing Y/N today. He set up his phone camera in a way where Y/N wouldn't see it and waited for her arrival. She and her parents would be staying the night so hopefully Draco would find the right second to kiss the girl he has ogled over for years. 

Draco's POV: 

I pace the Manor, scared to death. My heart is going crazy in my chest. Should I do this? Risk our 10 years of friendship for a single kiss? But things could be different between us if I did...

I heard the door open and I dash to see our stupid house elf, Dobby I think, open the door for Y/N and her parents. I smile as she was quick to hug me. "Sup Malfoy." Oof...friend-zoned? 

"Sup L/N." I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Stuff..." I laugh. I know exactly what show she got that from and it's my favorite show ever. Like, how could you not like Liv and Maddie? Of course, Diggy and Maddie end up together...would we end up together? 

I lead Y/N inside to the room where I had set my phone camera up. I couldn't even think of what to say to her...she's your best friend, Draco! Say something!

I was about to say something when Y/N let out a loud, terrified scream. "What? What happened?" I panic.

I look around to see Y/N standing on a chair. "What is it this time?" I knew that it was some type of bug or insect or something. 

"Spider..." I burst into laughter.

"A spider? You are probably one of the smartest witches in Hogwarts and you're scared of a spider?"

"Yes Malfoy! Now are you going to keep laughing at me or are you actually going to get rid of it before that alien kills me?" I sigh and pull out my wand. I mutter a simple spell under my breath to make the spider disappear into thin air. Y/N didn't move an inch off the chair. She still stood there, gripping the back rest in fear. 

"Alright, come on. It's gone. Promise." I say, holding out my hand for her to take so she can climb off the chair. Reluctantly, she accepted my outstretched hand and jumped down. 

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly. No spiders scared the living shit out of Y/N but that's because I secretly put a charm around the room to make sure no spiders get in here. Nothing could ever harm her if I was with her. 

Later after dinner, Y/N curled up by the fire place with a book. Our parents were doing Merlin-knows-what and I was absolutely bored. "Y/NNNNN stop reading!" I complain. 

"Shut it Malfoy! I'm getting to the good part." I sigh but then realize that my phone was still recording and I felt like this was the best moment I've had all day. I snatch the book out of her hands so she faces me and as soon as she turns, I capture her lips with mine and kiss her. At first, I thought she'd pull away looking disgusted, but then she started kissing me back. 

I smile into the kiss. It felt like it lasted forever but I knew that it only lasted a couple seconds. We pull away and I smile happily. "God, I've been waiting to do that for a couple years now!" 

"Me too..." Y/N said softly. I give her that "Malfoy Smirk" and press a quick little peck to her lips once again, leaving her face slightly red. 

I stride over to where my phone was hidden and stop recording. I'll edit it so that it can fit in a TikTok. 

" recorded that?" She asks me, her voice full of shock. 

"Well yeah...I mean there's this trend on TikTok where you kiss your best frie-- "

"So you only kissed me for the publicity?" Y/N had tears in her eyes. "I thought you actually liked me..."

"No, Y/N I promise it's no-- " 

"I don't want to hear it Malfoy!" Y/N ran off but I followed her. She ended up on a balcony overlooking the large grounds of the Manor. She sobbed. 

I wanted to do something that will fix this...but what? I gently tapped on her shoulder, trying to get her to turn around. After the third time I placed my hand on her shoulder, she whipped around. "What, Malfoy?!" She yelled in my face. "What else are you going to do? Fake apologize to me for publicity too?" 

I shook my head. She shoved me away as I try to pull her into my arms. "Y/N...Y/N please..." I beg her but she tries to run off again. She was almost out of reach when I stepped forward and grabbed her wrist as gently yet as firmly as I could. I pull her back and turn her around, connecting my lips with her once again. This time, she struggled a bit to get out of my grip but then melted into my arms and kissed back. "I love you...I have always loved you ever since third year..." I say softly. "And it wasn't really for the publicity...I just wanted to tell you how I felt...and then ask you if I could post the that everyone knows you're mine and mine alone." 

"Yes, you can post the video...because it's okay. I guess I overreacted. And... I love you too." Y/N looked away sheepishly but I gently lifted her chin so she was looking me in the eye.

"I should have kissed you first and then asked you if we could redo it for a video..." Y/N laughs at me and grabs my hand. 

"Come on Draco. We have a TikTok to edit." I let her drag me inside but then freeze when I see my parents as well as Y/N's gazing at us sternly. 

"Draco, care to explain why you have that filthy muggle device in your hand?" Father asks me and I panic. 

I chuck the phone out the window and off the balcony. It'll all be saved on my iCloud anyways. "What muggle device?" Y/N had to stifle a couple giggles. 

Yayyy two updates in one dayyyy! This one was kinda fun to write. Hope ya'll enjoyed this one :)

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