My Spot (Edited)

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House: Doesn't matter

Blood: Doesn't matter

Year: 5th

Y/N's POV:

I walk into the beautiful Hogwarts library. It's always been my favorite place. There were so many amazing books to read. I could sit and read for hours and hours and never get bored. There was always this one spot by the window. It overlooked all the school grounds. I could see the forest and beautiful school itself. My spot in the library was perfect. Not a lot of people sat around that place, so it was quiet and peaceful. Most of the time, I'd come here to do my homework as motivation. As soon as I was done, I'd grab a book and start reading. 

I stride over to my spot only to see a blonde sitting there. Not just any blonde. Draco Malfoy, the Hogwarts bad-boy, bully, and rich brat. I wanted to turn around and walk away as Malfoy bullied me and teased me too. He always called me a mudblood or bookworm. 

It shouldn't have bothered me, but it did.

I should never have fallen for him, but I did. 

I should have just walked away, but I didn't.

"Malfoy." I say, loud enough for him to hear. I tried to be brave and mean like he was to me, but I just couldn't.

"What L/N?" He looked up from his book.

"You're in my spot. Find another chair." I try to sound forceful, but my voice came out meek and quiet. Who does he think he is, making me all flustered for nothing?

He laughed. "Why should I? I was here first L/N. Find another spot. This is mine now." 

I just turned on my heel and tried to find another spot. They just weren't the same. I sigh as I sit in another chair and pull out my homework.  

The next day, I try to get to the library as quickly as possible, but I still find Malfoy in my spot. This happened for a couple of weeks. I blamed it on his long legs that can carry him faster than my short ones can.

Then, one day, I walk into the library. I check the spot in the back of the library where I would normally sit. Malfoy sat there with a smug grin. His Slytherin robes were draped across the chair he was sitting on. His white shirt was nicely ironed and his green and silver tie was perfectly in place. Why is he so good-looking? Wait what? "Why do you even sit here?" I ask. 

"Well, I get to have this amazing view and a nice and comfy chair. It's nicer than the Slytherin common room." He answered. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. I took about 2 steps when I felt a gentle hand on mine as it pulled me back and turned me around in one swift motion. I gasp at the sudden contact. My body was pressed against Draco's. I could feel his heartbeat through his shirt. 

"That's not the only reason I sit here. I sit here because I get to see you and you talk to me. Every day, I told myself that I'll let you sit here with me, but every damn time I can't bring up the courage to do so. I really like you and I know you could never feel the same way. I'm always so mean to everyone and you are so nice." My heart fluttered at his sweet words. I grab his tie and close the small distance between us by kissing him. 

"I like you too." I say after pulling away. Draco grabbed my hand and led me to the chair. He sat down, leaving a bit of space for me to sit too. We were squished together but I couldn't have been more comfortable. 

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked shyly. 

"Yes." I say softly and kiss his cheek. We sat there talking and doing homework together until it was past curfew and we didn't even realize. 

"And that, Scorp, is how I ended up with your mother." Draco was telling our son how we'd gotten together and how it all started with one comfy looking spot in the Hogwarts library. 

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