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House: Doesn't matter

Blood: Pure

Year: 5th

Your mum and Narcissa are good friends so you and Draco are quite close

Y/N's POV:

My mum and I walk up the steps to the front door of the manor in front of us. We've been here so many times, yet I am always impressed by the beautiful, large house. 

The door swung open and a tiny house elf with big eyes opens the door. "Hello Mrs. L/N, Miss Y/N. Come inside please." This house elf seemed polite compared with others I had met. 

The little elf had run off to go get Narcissa. Once she showed up, my mum squealed happily at the sight of her best friend. "Hello Narcissa." I say politely and she pulled me into a tight hug. 

My bags were taken into a guest room by a couple of house elves. Mum and Narcissa sat down to talk while I go upstairs to find Draco. 

Draco was sitting cross-leged on his bed as he read a book. Why would he be reading a book? We don't have school right now.

"Hey Draco." I say softly and somewhat shyly. Over these years we've grown up together, I found myself falling for my best friend. 

"Hey Y/N!" He exclaimed before getting up and running over to me and giving me a big hug though it probably wasn't a romantic gesture.  

"So, how have you been?" I ask excited to finally see him. We'd be starting our sixth year at Hogwarts next year. 

"I've been pretty good. Nothing out of the ordinary. Kinda boring." I laugh. 

The two of us ended up talking and talking for hours as we caught up on everything happening. When we finally looked at the time, we saw that it was past midnight and we had skipped dinner. Everyone else was asleep, so we tiptoe downstairs and snuck into the kitchen. All the house elves were fast asleep as well, so there was no food in the kitchen for us to heat up. I guess we'll have to make something ourselves. 

"What do you want to eat? Pizza, pasta, brownies, cookies?" I list off a bunch of easy to make dishes. 

"I don't wanna make anything thoughhhh" Draco complained. 

"Well, if you want to eat, you better help me make something or else I'll eat it all." I argue back. After bickering back and forth, I finally got the dope to cave. 

"Fine. How do we make cookies?" He started searching the freezer for frozen dough. 

"Stop! I already checked. There's nothing here we can just heat up. We have to make it from scratch. It's not that hard. Come on." I grab his hand and pull him away from the freezer. 

Draco complained even more. This boy is SPOILED. 

"Draco! Stop acting like a spoiled prick." I say, knowing I can joke with him like that. 

"Okay, okay! So what do we do first?" I flip through the pages of a cookbook and found a basic chocolate chip cookies recipe. 

"Okay, so we have to cream the sugar and the butter first." I skim over the ingredients list before quickly grabbing everything we'd need.

"The hell does that mean?" Draco muttered. He's so moody when he's tired. Ugh.

"It means you have to mix the butter and sugar together, idiot!" 

"Well I'm not good at cooking You see, elves always cook for me." 

"Quit being arrogant." I complain. The only side of Draco I hated was the side he showed most people: the annoying-stupid-rich-boy-brat side of him. Nevertheless, I ended up falling in love with this idiot. The whole idiot. 

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