Mornings (Edited)

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House: Doesn't matter

Blood Status: Doesn't matter

Year: After the war (Scorpius is about 3)

Draco's POV:

I woke up to the sun's rays lightly hitting my face and warming up the entire bedroom. My wife, Y/N, is still fast asleep. My arm was wrapped around her, as if I never wanted to let go of her. I smile. Scorpius wanted to do something special for his mum so I told him last night that I'd wake him up before his mum so he could make her breakfast. 

I carefully get out of bed, trying not to wake my wife. I quietly grab a t-shirt from my closet and pull it over my head before tip-toeing out of the room into Scorpius's room. Scorpius was sitting up in his bed, playing with an owl stuffed animal that he had gotten from the hospital the day he was born. 

"Hey Scorp." I whisper. He looks up.

"Dad!" An excited smile found it's way to my son's lips. I sit down on his bed beside him. 

"What are we going to make your mum for breakfast?" 

Scorpius thought for a second. "Mum likes pancakes. Let's make pancakes." 

"Alright. Let's go." I scoop his up and carry him to the kitchen. I place Scorpius onto the counter before grabbing all the ingredients I would need. I measure everything out. As I was finally done measuring all the ingredients, Scorpius had grabbed flour from the large bag of it and started tossing it in the air. 

"SNOW!" He squealed before grabbing more. 

"Shhh Scorpius! Stop it or you'll wake your mum!" I gently take the bag of flour from his hands as I look around the kitchen. We made a huge mess (mostly from Scorpius throwing the flour around like snow)! "Look at the mess we made, Scorp. We'll have to clean all this up later, yeah?" 

"Awww but I don't wanna clean!" He pouted.

"Shhh Scorp! You don't want your mum to wake up and see this mess! She'll kill us both!" If you aren't scared of your wife, you're not doing it right, I thought. 

Scorpius had finally agreed to mix up the batter. I poured the it onto the pan and I was waiting for it to cook. 



"What's that?" Scorpius asked while pointing at something on my arm. The Dark Mark. 

", there was a really really bad wizard." I started. "He was really powerful and evil. My dad...he wanted me to become one of his followers...I didn't have a choice. I had to get it done. But this boy, Harry Potter--"

"--The boy who lived?" 

"Yes, the boy who lived."

"Was he you're friend?" Scorpius needed all the details. 

"Um...well he and I weren't the best of friends...anyways, he defeated and killed this bad wizard, the Dark Lord.He won't hurt us anymore. And even if he comes back, I won't let him hurt you...or your mum. I love you both so much." At that moment, I smelled something burning. THE PANCAKES!

"Shit." I mutter under my breath and check on the pancakes. 

"Shit?" Uh-oh.

"No. No no no no. Don't say that. Never say that. In fact, don't tell mum I said that." I panic. Y/N's going to kill me!

"Hehehe SHIT!" Scorpius was having way too much fun with this.

"Stop it!" I desperately try to stop him while trying to flip the pancakes.

"What's going on in here?" Y/N was up already?

"Um...N-nothing! Nothing." 

"Shit!" Scorpius yells. My wife looked at me, then back at my son with wide eyes. 

"Dracooo?" She raised an eyebrow, questioning me. 

"I-um...Scorpius and I made you breakfast?" I questioned. 

Y/N rolled her eyes before giving Scorpius a big hug. "Don't say that word again. You're not old enough. It's a bad, bad word."

"Okay mummy!" 

"Oh come on! He listens to you?" I complain playfully.

"Well...I am his mum." She smiles before walking over to me to give me a hug. "Good morning Draco." 

"Morning love." I press a small kiss into her hair and hold her in my arms. I close my eyes. 

"Sleep well?" She asked me.

"Hmmm...yeah. Did you sleep well?"

Y/N just nodded before burying her head into my chest. How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing family?

I think this one was cute. Inspired by Morgan Stark 😂

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