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House: Doesn't matter

Year: After Hogwarts as a newly wed couple

He works for the ministry and you are a healer

Summary: After a stressful day of working in the ministry, Draco comes home and is kinda frustrated and tired. Your hugs make things better though :)

Y/N's POV:

After a busy day at work, I sat down on the couch by the fire and pulled the blanket tighter around my body. It's getting colder and colder now. The fire and a blanket can only do so much. I'd need some sort of warm drink. 

Deciding that a hot chocolate was what I needed, I stood, keeping the blanket around me, and shuffled my way to the kitchen. I warmed up the milk on the stove while getting some cocoa powder and sugar. Making it by hand tastes 10X better than those packets you can get in the muggle grocery stores. Those taste decent but homemade hot chocolate tastes soooo good. 

I carefully stirred in the chocolate, making it swirl around in the white colored milk, changing the color to a beautiful and rich brown that chocolate is known for. 

I sigh sadly as I finish the chocolate into the milk. Draco was never home. He always said that he had to stay late but I sometimes can't help but think he was with someone else. Why was he never home? Did he hate being around me?

My thoughts were interrupted when a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, one grabbing my arm, the other around my stomach, pulling me back. Soft lips gently pressed against my cheek. "Draco?" It was really late now and he must have been exhausted. 

"Mmmmmm yeah. It's jus me..." He sounded so tired that he couldn't even say a full sentence. His head lay on my shoulder, nuzzling his nose into my neck. 

"Rough day?" He just nodded slightly into my neck. "Did you eat?" Draco often works without stopping to eat or drink water. It wasn't healthy. 

"I haven't even thought about's been so tiring and stressful." He murmured. I could tell he was worn out but he couldn't go to bed hungry. 

"Here, drink this. It'll make you feel better. Go sit down. I'll make you some dinner." I hand him the mug of hot chocolate before pressing a quick kiss against his lips. 

"Give me a hug first!" He whined like a little kid, holding out his arms. 

I sigh and mumble a quiet "Fine." before pulling him into my arms and rubbing his back slightly. 

"Your hugs make everything better..." He whispered, buried his face into my shoulder and pressed a couple kisses on the base of my neck. 

I smile a bit before pulling away. "Alright mister! Go freshen up and change. I'll have something for you to eat by then." He whined and complained but finally agreed to leave the kitchen.  

I turn to face the stove again and got out a pan and filled it with water. Ever since Draco discovered Mac and Cheese from a box, he's been obsessed with it so I thought I'd make him some. I hum and dance around the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil. I realized that I hadn't added salt to the water (lol I add salt in the water idk about ya'll). My eyes search the cabinets, only to find one last container of salt on the very top shelf. 

A soft sight left my lips as I stand on my toes and reach up. Finally, my hand grasped the container, but I dropped it. Good thing I ducked out of the way or it would have hit me in the head. I groan as it created a small mess on the floor that I'd have to clean up.

I heard a chuckle from behind me and I turn only to see my husband leaning against the door frame. He had changed into a random white t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. His pale hand was curled around the dark colored mug I had handed him. There was still steam spiraling upwards signaling that there was still something in there. 

"What are you laughing at, Malfoy?" He only laughed even harder. 

"Nothing Malfoy! Just watching my beautiful wife making my favorite food to cheer me up after a day of hard work. Am I not allowed to watch you?" A soft smile appeared on his lips from calling me by his last name. The corners of my lips tug upwards at the comment. 

"No you idiot! It makes me feel a little self conscious..." I admit and Draco made his way over to me. 

He placed the mug down on the counter before wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Y/N? Love, you're perfect just the way you are. And thank you. I know I never say that. I never show appreciation for anything you do but trust me--I'm so thankful for it all. You stay up late waiting for me, you never complain when I come home late, you support me no matter what. But most of all, you take care of me when I come home tired and stressed. And those times I asked you if you ate, I know you didn't. You basically starve yourself so you could eat with me and when I come home, sometimes I'm not even in the mood to eat. A simple smile or hug from you could make my day 100X better." He gave me a sweet, soft smile. "And I love so so much. I still can't believe that I got married to the girl who was too shy to even look at me in the halls at Hogwarts. You know, I found that so cute." I shyly avoid his gaze. My heart hammered, my cheeks flushed, an unstoppable smile appeared on my lips. He pressed his lips against the top of my head. "Baby, go sit down. You must be exhausted too. I'll finish making this." I shook my head. "Fine. Then I'll help you. How long will it take if I help you?"

I ponder for a moment. "About twice as much time as it would normally take me." A chuckle left my lips as I tell him how long it'll take to make his dinner if he helps me. 

A soft gasp slips between his lips. "Y/N! You better take that back!" I squeal as his hands gently attack my sides in soft, fluttery tickles. 

"Noooo! Draco stop!" He laughs. 


He continued tickling me before lifting me off the ground and over his shoulder. I knew what was coming. He made his way to the couch and tossed me down, making sure I didn't get hurt in the process. 

An idea sparked in my mind and I gasp in pain. "Draco! Ow!" I place my hand on my knee, pretending that it banged against the corner of the coffee table. He froze and sat down next to me. 

"Sorry Y/N/N! I'm so sorry! How bad does it hurt?" There was genuine worry in his eyes and I felt kind of guilty for tricking Draco like that. 

I didn't answer. Instead, I sat up and started tickling him. Draco gasps and his eyes narrow. "Y/N! What was that for?" I stop and giggle a little. 

"I just needed to get some sort of revenge!" I laugh and get up, walking into the kitchen, where the mac and cheese was almost ready. It just needed the cheese powder stuff. 

"Y/N!" Draco came after me and wrapped his arms around me from behind once again. 

"Yes?" I ask, reaching for a couple of ingredients. 

"I love you." He whispered. 

"I love you more." I answer back, knowing exactly what his answer will be. 

"I love you most." I smile. How could I have gotten such an amazing guy? What had I done to deserve someone so sweet and caring?

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit...things have been a little crazy with tests and stuff coming up. Well, I hope you like this imagine!

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