Request for JulzLovDraco4Eva

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I thought it would be kinda long but I decided that I'll put it in one chapter. Sorry it took so long. 

Y/H: Doesn't matter

Blood status: doesn't matter

Year: 5-6

Fifth Year:

I walked down the halls of the beautiful castle that I called my school and home. I was actually on my way to meet a guy. Someone that I've had a crush on for a few years now. His name is Draco Malfoy and even if he bullies my friends, I couldn't help but fall for him. It was past curfew, so I had to be careful as I snuck around. 

I finally come to my destination. The astronomy tower. In the dark, I can make out a tall figure. "Lumos." I whisper and as the light hits the figure from m wand, I notice that it was just Draco. 

"I'm surprised you came L/N." He calls out.

"Me too." I whisper, scared that we'd get caught. 

"So...uh. What did you want to talk about?" I wanted to get this over with. I didn't want to get caught or make a fool out of myself in front of him. 

Draco sat down, and looked up at the sky. "Sit down. We'll talk." 

I reluctantly sat down next to the blonde boy. "So what's going on Draco? Why'd you tell me to come here?" I ask, quieter this time, as we were sitting close to each other. 

"I just wanted your advice. See, there's this girl..." I felt my heart drop. "She's in Y/H...and she's a lot like you. I just want to know how I'd ask her out ya' know? I just don't want to look like an idiot." 

I nod. "Well Draco, I would be honest with her and try to make her smile...compliment her. And not just any simple compliment like 'you look so cute' or 'you have a nice smile'. Those are all basic. You should compliment her on things that not a lot of people would say to her."

He sat there, processing whatever I just told him. 

"Okay. Um, Y/N." Draco grabbed my hands. "You literally light up my world. Even if you sit at the Y/H table. When I see you smile, it makes my day. I know we don't talk much, but I hope you know that I really do care about you."

I smile. "Now, if you tell that to a girl, she's going to fall for you instantly." I whisper before pulling my hands away. 

"Did it work?" He asked, his lips stretching into a small smile. 

" did." I say as I feel my face heat up. I look down.

"So then Y/N...will you go on a date with me?" 

"Yes." I say simply before snuggling into his side and look at the stars. 

Year 6:

Draco and I have been dating in secret ever since the end of our fifth year. Draco has been quite distant this year, but I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend. I sneak out of the Y/H common room and was about to turn the corner to go to the dungeons, but I ran into someone. Three people to be exact. 

"H-Hey Hermione, Ron, Harry." I stutter. 

"Where have you been sneaking to?" Harry asks, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"I-uh nothing! Nothing. I was just going on a walk. Couldn't sleep." 

"Oh really? Because it seems like more than just a walk." Harry pushed.

"Harry." Hermione whispered, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "If she says that she was just going on a walk, she was just going on a walk. Now come on. You'll get us both in trouble."

"Yeah mate. You should believe her. She'd tell the truth. She's our friend." Ron says. I felt a little guilty lying to them, but I had to make sure Draco was okay. He's been acting distant all year.

"You guys should go. I don't want to get you all in trouble." I whisper quietly. 

They nod and wave at me as they walk away. Phew! That was close. They could have found out my secret. 


The next day, I was walking past the boys bathroom when I heard crashing and spells being yelled. Then, I heard a cry of pain and whimpers. That was Draco's voice. "Draco." I whisper before running into the bathroom, not caring that it was the male lavatory. 

When I run in, I see water everywhere, flooding the bathroom. Someone with dark brown hair stood while gazing down at someone lying on the floor. Draco. He was bleeding badly. His blood trickled down into the water on the floor. 

"Draco! No. No, no, no. Hey, it's okay. You're okay. Let's get you to madame Promfry." I panic. 

I look up at the other figure, who I still couldn't make out until I say his glasses. "Harry?" He turned to face me, proving my suspicion. "Why...Why would you do this?" I ask softly, my voice breaking slightly. 

"He's a death eater, Y/N. He can't be trusted. And that day we ran into you, I knew that something was up. I put the pieces together. You're dating Malfoy."

"Yes I am but HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? HE'S STILL A STUDENT! I don't know what's gotten into you Harry. This is not something you would do. Why would you do it?"

"I did it because I thought he wasn't good enough for you." Harry admitted sheepishly, looking down at his feet. 

All of the sudden, the bathroom door opened, revealing Snape. "Potter. L/N. GET. OUT. NOW." Both our heads snap up too look at Snape. 

Harry slowly walked away, but I stayed where I was: knelt next to Draco, holding him close to my chest.

"L/N. Get out. NOW." Snape's tone was extremely dangerous, but I wouldn't leave Draco. 

I shook my head, but after a while, Snape forced me out. 

Once I knew that he was in the hospital wing, I practically sprint there. I burst through the doors to see Draco--my Draco--his shirt was still soaked with blood, though it appears that the bleeding stopped. I could feel my eyes water. "Draco..." I whisper. Suddenly, I lost it. My sobs bounce off the walls of the hospital wing. I grab Draco's hand and lace my fingers with his. 

I must have sat there for hours crying. I finally wiped the remaining tears away and was about to leave. I got up, ready to let go of Draco's hand. I'll come back tomorrow, I thought. I felt Draco's hand squeeze mine. I look down at Draco. His eyes fluttered open slowly. He groaned a little and sat up. "Y-Y/N? What--what happened?" He asked softly before grasping my hand tighter, scared I'd leave.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, gently lifting his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. 

"I thought I was protecting you. I thought that if I distanced myself, no one would hurt you." 

"You know that Harry did this? Because he liked me and he was suspecting that we were together? You're here because of me. I wasn't careful enough when sneaking around." My voice cracks and I break down in tears again. 

"Hey...Hey Y/N. Look at me." He gently cups my face before turning my head to look at him. "Look at me. I'm breathing, I'm talking, I'm looking at the love of my life. I'm alright."

I nod before he brings my face down to his. "I love you so much. I always will." He whispers before kissing my lips. 

"I love you too Draco." I whisper. I reconnect our lips. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter around. There was no one I'd rather be with than Draco Malfoy. 

I'm so sorry I took so long to write this! I hope you like it. It's my first time writing a request and I hope it's good enough. Again, I am so so so sorry that I took so long. I hope you do like it.  

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