Chapter 30

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

A shuddering breath left my lungs as my eyes snapped wide open. The reality that made up the galaxy seemed broken by the fear that was coursing through my veins. She was gone! I couldn't save her and she was dead! I began to hyperventilate, fast breaths skipping through my lounges and providing little oxygen. 

I was just starting to sit up when two warm hands planted themselves on my bare chest and pressed me down. "No Anakin lay back down," a voice from above me whispered.

I jerked away, my whole body tensing at the sound of her voice. "A- Ahsoka," I cried, forcing myself back into a sitting position.

"Yes Anakin," she said softly.

Tears began to fall from my eyes as I looked at her. "You were dead!" I screamed. "They took you from me and I couldn't stop them! You-"

"The kriff Anakin!!" she yelled loudly in an interruption that caused my body to jolt as she pressed her hands down harder on my chest in frustration. "Calm down already! I'm literally right here!"

The palms of my hands tensed as they supported me from behind on the bed. The images and ideas that were flying through my mind frightened every fiber of my being. It all seemed like so much more than a dream as if it were a warning or look into a future I could never let happen.

"Anakin!" she yelled again as she slapped the side of my face just hard enough to snap me back into the universe I had fallen out of. I blinked twice, looking up into Ahsoka's eyes as I finally came back to my senses. Whether she wanted me in her life or not, I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to her.

I stared at her for another few seconds before a confused expression became clear on my tear-stained face. What was she even doing here? It didn't take a genius to notice that she had been avoiding me whenever she could lately. Luckily for me, I was one anyway.

I had missed her so much that even the skin-to-skin contact of her hand slapping across my face had felt like the purest forms of sweet bliss and comfort. 

A soft sigh mixed with the slightest traces of a moan left my lips as her warm hands slid up the skin of my chest to my shoulders as she continued to press me back down. My body tensed once again as I resisted, only allowing for her to get me down onto my elbows. "Wha- what happened?" I stuttered in a tentative whisper as more heavy breaths fell from my lips.

Ahsoka left my side to go retrieve one of her lightsabers which for whatever reason was lying across the floor of my room, making me even more anxious about whatever had happened. "Just get some rest," she said as she clipped her lightsaber to her belt and walked toward my door at a steady pace.

My eyes scanned over the room, panic immediately shooting through every muscle of my body as I noticed a broken glass bottle of alcohol lying on the hard floor beneath me in a pile with a few more. "Ahsoka," I said more sternly this time. She stopped in her tracks as I jumped off of the bed and ran to block her exit by standing in front of the door. 

A broken and vague memory of last night found its way into my mind. However much I had forgotten, one thing was certain. Ahsoka had been here last night. She had witnessed whatever shit I went through. "No no no NO!" I yelled in agony as I ran my fingers harshly through my hair in distress. "What were you thinking?! What did I do?!" Ahsoka took a step away from me and opened her mouth to say something before she closed it again. More stressful tears fell from my eyes and I closed them in an attempt to block the pain. My posture stiffened as I dropped my hands to my sides and turned my head away from her. "Did- did I hurt you?" I whispered.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," she lied.

"Ahsoka," I growled as I opened my eyes and shot them directly into hers in an intense and emotional state that lasted until she looked away and sighed ever so softly in defeat.

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