Chapter 5

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

It had officially been a week since I received Ahsoka as my padawan and I had enjoyed every minute of it. Okay well, maybe not every minute. I didn't particularly enjoy when she grabbed my lightsaber and took off running, or when she'd drag me away from my food before I was finished, or when she would do everything in her power to embarrass me in front of the council or the clones. What could I say, she kept my life interesting. 

Overall, we spent most of the week training and getting to know each other. I enjoyed a break from all of my missions. Well, while it lasted anyway.

I was thinking of a creative way to get Ahsoka out of bed this morning when my thoughts were interrupted by my comlink.

I silently stepped out of the dorm to answer it. "Skywalker here."

"Come to the council right away, we have a mission for you and your padawan," Windu spoke.

I groaned at the thought of another mission. "Yes, Master. Do you wish for me to bring my padawan as well?"

"Yes." And with that, he ended the transmission.

I sighed and walked over to Ahsoka's bed, sitting on the side. I didn't feel up for our normal game and routine of forcing her out of bed, so I hoped she would just get up easily today.

"Snips," I whispered as I knocked on her lekku. She groaned and turned away from me. "It's time to get up, the council has a mission for us."

With that, she sat up and looked at me with wide eyes.

Now she was up.

"Come on Ahsoka, let's go."

We walked through the temple halls until we finally made it to the council chambers. The doors opened and we were greeted by the council.

"Skywalker, you, your padawan, and the 501st are to join Aayla Secura on Ryloth to help reclaim the planet from the separatists," Windu told us. "You are to leave imminently."

"Yes, Masters," I said.

"You are dismissed."

We left and went to prepare to leave for the mission


We were about four hours away from Ryloth. Ahsoka sat in the ship's main room, watching the colorful patterns of hyperspace drift by. I stood against the doorway, watching her from across the room.

"Are you ready for your first mission Snips?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I guess." She told me.

"Are you nervous?"


I walked over to her and sat beside her. "Don't worry, I will be with you the whole time. I'm not about to send you alone with part of the squadron to take down a whole planted on your first mission." She relaxed a little until she realized the full extent of what I said.

"Wait, I will be doing stuff like that on other missions?!" 

"Well.." I paused and smirked at her. "We will save that for your second mission."

"Master!" She lightly punched my arm.

I continued to smirk at her. "Alright alright. Yes you will probably be doing things like that in the future if you plan on becoming a Knight, but don't worry, we will work up to that."

She yawned. "Thanks, Skyguy."

I smiled. "You tired Snips?"

She closed her eyes and nodded.

"Alright, get some rest. We won't be arriving on Ryloth for another four hours."

She fell asleep after a few minutes and my eyes widened in surprise as her head fell onto my shoulder. I knew I should move her off, but she looked so comfortable... and her touch made me afraid to move. 

I watched her for a few moments before drifting off to sleep myself, despite my hardest efforts.


I jolted my head up from my comfortable pillow of Ahsoka's montrals as my comlink beeped.

I answered to hear Rex's voice from the other side. "General Skywalker, we will be arriving on Ryloth in roughly ten minutes."

I yawned away from my comlink before responding. "Thanks, Rex."

I turned off my comlink and looked down at Ahsoka sleeping peacefully.


She stirred in her sleep.

"Ahsoka, It's time to get up."

She sat up and yawned as she stretched her arms, seeming to completely forget the fact that she had been sleeping on me. She finished stretching and then we walked up to the bridge.

"We are approaching Ryloth sir." A clone informed me.

"Land when you're ready," I told him.

We landed near Master Secura's base and walked off the ship to meet her. She was waiting for us near the landing zone.

"Skywalker," she spoke as we walked towards her base. "We are glad you could join us. Is this your padawan?"

"Yes Master, this is padawan Ahsoka Tano."

"I am honored to meet you Ahsoka."

"Thank you, Master." She replied shyly.

"So, do you have a plan?" I asked

"Well, I'm open to ideas."

We reached the base and immediately got to work on a plan.

I pointed out locations on the holo map as I explained my ideas for a plan.

"If Secura and her troops, as well as most of my troops, confront the separatists right here, it should act as a distraction and get most of them away from their base long enough for me, my padawan, and a few troopers to sneak inside and take control of the command center. Once we have control, we can stop the conflict and easily free the rest of the planet." I explained.

"Sounds simple enough," Secura commented. "It might work."

"Well, if no one has any other ideas, let's head out."

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