Chapter 4

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POV: Ahsoka Tano

I was enjoying a wonderful dream about becoming a padawan when I heard a voice call my name

"Ahsoka." My name was called again and this time it was louder and more clear.

I shoot up into a sitting position to see a young, human man with soft brown hair and piercing blue eyes, sitting on my bed. I looked around only to find I was not in my dorm.

"What? Who are you?! Where am I?"

The man smiled at me and chuckled. "Oh Snips."

That name sounded familiar. Suddenly the memories of yesterday flashed back into my mind. The man is my master and this was my dorm now. It wasn't a dream after all.

"Oh... Skyguy it's just you." I said in a tired voice as I yawned and lay back down.

"Come on Ahsoka, it's time to get up."

I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. "Why? What time is it?"

"It's almost 6:30."

"That's too early!"

"Now that you are a padawan, you'll have to get up earlier and work harder."

"No, I'm staying in bed!"

"Oh, okay then. Sleep well," He said in an overly sweet voice as he walked away.

I was confused. Was he really caving in this easily?

Suddenly I felt strong arms circling my waist and lifting me out of my bed.

I turned around to see my master laughing uncontrollably as he placed me on his shoulder and ran out of the room.

My scream of surprise faded into laughter as he ran through the temple halls, me dangling over his shoulder.

"Master, Stop! Put me down!" I yelled as I continued to slap his back and laugh. What? Why was I laughing? This was not funny, 'I want to sleep!'

"Not a chance Snips." He responded as he continued running through the halls.

"Mast-" My voice was interrupted by my own laughter. "Master!"

He continued to carry me through the temple halls as we ignored the judgmental looks from all the Jedi, padawans, and younglings we passed. We both resumed our laughter and my lightly slapping and punching his back until he finally stopped running and he set me down.

I looked around and found myself in the mess hall.

"Alright Ahsoka, get something to eat, and then we will start your training."

I smiled at him until I remembered I was mad at him for dragging me out of bed. I crossed my arms and turned away from him.

"What? Are you mad at me?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

I said nothing in return and turned farther away from him.

"Oh, you'll get over it. Besides... I know you enjoyed it."

This time I uncrossed my arms and turned to face him. "I did not!" I yelled as a smile claimed my face.

"Uh-huh, of course." He smiled back at me. "You're cute snips."

"What?! Hey!"

He started to walk towards the line and I followed him. Whatever, I couldn't stay mad at him forever.

We got some food and went to sit at a table with some clones from my master's squadron. They stood at attention as we approached.

"At ease men, it's just the Mess hall." My master addressed. The clones all nodded and dropped back down into their seats as the chatter in the room started up again.

"Aw, General Skywalker, good to see you," One of the clones said before turning his attention to me. "Who's the youngling?"

I brushed off the title of youngling with a roll of my eyes."I'm the new padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano."

"Padawan? To whom?"

"She's mine Rex," Skyguy told him.

Rex looked surprised. "Well then, I suppose I will be seeing a lot of you youngling." He smiled at me.

"Padawan," I reminded him through clenched teeth.

The other clones introduced themselves as, Fives, Echo, Hardcase, and Jesse. We sat down and began eating as a conversation started. 


"So, if you're a captain and I'm a Jedi, technically I outrank you, right?"

"In my book, experience outranks everything."

By this point, I was done eating and anxious to start my training. "Well, if experience outranks everything, I guess I better start getting some," I said, standing from my seat.

I turned to my master who was still stuffing his face. I grabbed one of his wrists. "Come on Master." The clones all stopped eating to watch us.

I tried to pull him out of his seat as he struggled to grab more food with his free hand. "Snips," he said in a whiny tone.

"Must...get...experience," I said as I continued to struggle to pull him out of his seat. Eventually, he gave in and allowed me to pull him out of the Mess Hall, leaving the clones in wild laughter.

We picked up our supplies from our dorm and walked towards the training room. "Not cool Ahsoka," he told me as we walked.

"You'll get over it. Besides...I know you enjoyed it." I said in an obviously annoyed and mocking tone.

He turned and smiled at me with a look of surprise in his eyes.

We reached the training room and walked inside. "Wow, it's a lot bigger than the youngling training room," I commented.

"Yeah, and you can't use one of these in there either." He flipped his lightsaber in his hand. "Have you finished constructing yours Ahsoka?"

"Yep." I pulled my lightsaber from my belt and activated the emerald blade.

"Well that's great, but we are still just going to use training sabers today."


He smirked at me. "No, I'm joking." He pointed to the other side of the room. "Go stand over there."

I readied myself and then he charged at me with his lightsaber. I could tell he was taking it easy on me, but he still beat me every time.


After a long day of sparring and criticism, I was tired of training. I sat on a bench and drank my water. My master came and sat next to me.

"Good job today Snips. You worked hard."

"Thank you, Master."

He faked a frown. "What happened to Skyguy?"

I chuckled at him. "Thanks, Skyguy."

He stood up and held out his hand. "Alright Ahsoka, let's get back to the dorm."

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