Chapter 24

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

Endless shades of blue, white, and black blurred all around us as the Twilight navigated itself through hyperspace. I thought about the past two weeks of our meditational leave as  I continued to stare off into the galaxy around me. Time always seemed to go by ten times faster when I finally got a break from the war. Those two weeks went by so quickly, I barely got the chance to register that I was not in battle before getting on this ship to go back into it.

But then again, at the same time, it felt like ages ago we stepped off that ship into the fresh Naboo air. So much had changed since then.

I looked over my shoulder to Ahsoka sleeping in the passenger seat and chuckled. That padawan could really fall asleep anywhere.

I silently studied her peaceful sleeping figure until I was brought back into reality by the sound of the Twilight's beeping. I looked down at the control panel and saw that we were finally approaching Coruscant. I quickly flipped some switches to pull us out of hyperspace.

A few minutes later,  the ship landed at the Jedi Temple. I deactivated it and then leaned back into my seat. Ahsoka was still asleep, and as much as I didn't want to wake her, I knew we had to get off this ship before people got suspicious. I reluctantly stood up from my seat and then slowly walked over to her.

"Snips," I whispered as I knelt on the floor by her feet and rested my hands on her lap. "Ahsoka, we're here. It's time to get up."

Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned softly as she brought her fingers down to my hair. "Already? That was such a short flight," she pouted.

I smiled, waiting for her to wake up, and then crawled up to her lips and kissed her one last time as she sighed in content.

I broke away and stood up, pulling Ahsoka into my arms tightly. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I took another moment to enjoy her closeness and the silence surrounding us before speaking.

"Ahsoka, listen to me," I whispered. "The moment we step foot off this ship, I can only be your Master... nothing more," I reminded her, knowing that my words applied to myself more than they did to her.

I closed my eyes and listened to her soft breathing as she tightened her hold on my waist. "I know," she mumbled against my tunic with a little sadness.

I held her a little longer and then took a last deep breath to pull away.

"Come on Snips," I called to her in my normal deep tone as I walked towards the landing ramp.

Ahsoka followed behind me as I walked off of the ship and took a look around to find Obi-Wan waiting for us outside of the temple. I waited for Ahsoka to catch up and then we walked towards him.

"Anakin, Ahsoka, I trust you had a good leave?"

"Of course Master," I told him.

He nodded and stroked his beard. "Well come on then. We should get going."

"Going? Where?"

"The Outer Rim."

"A mission already? We've barely been back for five minutes!"

My former master sighed deeply and lowered his gaze. "I'm afraid this war has only gone further downhill since you left."

"Oh I see how it is old man," I chuckled and crossed my arms. "You need me."

I could see Ahsoka roll her eyes in annoyance and Obi-Wan chuckled as he placed a hand on my shoulder sympathetically.

"Oh Anakin, of course not. Where in the galaxy did you get the idea we needed you? It's Ahsoka we can't live without," he said before walking off.

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