Chapter 15

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

My mind was starting to slowly drift out of sleep by the time the first rays of light made the way through our dorm window. Something felt different and out of place, but I couldn't figure out what it was. My skin was encircled by something warm and smooth, something comforting.

When I finally woke up the rest of the way, I opened my eyes only to find my padawan asleep on my bed, her arms still wrapped tightly around me from the night before. Soon everything that had happened came crashing back to me. Last night, in her depression and anger, Ahsoka had reopened a terrible hole in my heart that I had tried for years to patch up as best I could. But then when she realized how deeply she had hurt me, she had come to me in my worst moment and comforted me and helped me close it up again.

I watched her sleep peacefully for a few minutes and smiled softly. It had been so long since I felt like this, so long since I felt like someone cared about me. I loved the contentment and warmth that spread through my body at the feeling of holding her in my arms.

My thoughts wandered as began to study her face. It held such a state of innocence and peace that never would have been there had she been awake. I traced her unique, white facial markings with the back of my index finger in silence. She looked so... beautiful. I jerked my fingers away from her face as soon as the thought entered my mind and I realized what I was doing. I shouldn't have been having thoughts like that whether I was a Jedi or not and I knew it. Telling myself I was just tired and confused did nothing to bring me any resolution.

My mind continued to wander for almost an hour until I was brought back into reality by the slight movement in my arms and the sound of a quiet moan. By the time I registered Ahsoka was slowly starting to wake up, I found her big blue eyes opened and staring directly into mine.

We both just lay there in each other's arms, looking into each other's eyes in complete science. I knew I should have moved, but I couldn't find the strength to pull away. It was as if we were both trying to live with the denial of what was happening, only to have excuses not to do anything about it. A few minutes passed by before I started to feel heat rising to my cheeks and I quickly pulled myself out of her arms and stood up to face away from her before she could notice or before I lost control of myself.

I took a few deep breaths, standing with my back facing her in the doorway. "Meet me in the training room when you're ready," I whispered before walking out of the room.

POV: Ahsoka Tano

I watched as my master left the room without even so much as glancing back at me. It was like he was trying to hide his face from me which was confusing considering he seemed to have no problem with it moments before. After everything I had been through, I slept so deeply and peacefully last night. No words could describe how it felt walking up this morning to find myself wrapped in my master's arms, staring directly into his compassionate blue eyes.

I never wanted to move, but I was partly grateful and a little disappointed that he did it for me. I sat up the rest of the way and then threw my legs over the side of his bed to go get ready and then made my way to the training room.

When I finally walked into the training room, I scanned my eyes across the room until I found my master sitting on a bench a little ways away from me. He must have been thinking about something because he didn't seem to notice me coming in.

I walked towards him until I was standing right in front of him. I created my throat. "Ahem?" His head shot up and his eyes widened in shock making it clear he finally saw me.

"Hey Ahsoka," he said simply. I figured he must be in a serious mood based on the fact he didn't even call me Snips.

"Hey," I replied.

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