Chapter 2

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

I glanced at the line of younglings in front of me. I still couldn't believe Obi-Wan was making me go through with this. A padawan would just slow me down. Not to mention I just became a Knight. I wasn't ready to teach some youngling.

"Skywalker, choose your apprentice wisely you must," Yoda explained.

"Yes Master," I replied.

I slowly made my way towards the line of younglings and stopped in front of a green twi'lek male.

"And who might you be?" I asked.

"My name is Anothy Berch sir. I'm the fastest learner you will ever meet!" He replied confidently.

Ugh, this kid was just proud and cocky. I couldn't live with and teach someone like that, no matter how skilled they were. I continued through the line of younglings. They introduced themselves as Dean Tran, Alya Rean, and Zayla Wood. They all just seemed to be trying to brag about themselves and impress me. One of them even seemed like she was trying to hit on me.

I was starting to lose hope I would find a padawan with a decent personality as I made it to the end of the line. Standing in front of me was a togruta girl who looked to be about sixteen. Her blue and white patterned lekku fell past her shoulders, almost reaching her stomach. She had pale orange skill, deep blue eyes...and stood with her arms crossed as she glared directly into my eyes.

"And you are?" I asked.

"Tano," she said simply.

"That's your first name?"

"You seem like a smart fellow. What do you think Skyguy?" She asked in a mocking tone.

I couldn't help but burst out in laughter at her remark."What did you just call me?" I finally managed to reply, a grin still claiming my face. "Don't get snippy with me, little one. What is your first name?"

"The dipstick's name is Ahsoka," the youngling Zayla yelled.

I turned to her with my arms crossed and my left eyebrow raised. "Care to repeat that?"

"Uhh no... forgive me, master," she uttered back to me.

"Why are you apologizing to me? Apologize to Ahsoka," I replied as I pointed to her.

"Sorry, Ahsoka."

'Ugh younglings'

Ahsoka said nothing in response, but uncrossed her arms and turned to me with widened eyes. I could tell I was starting to earn her trust. Something we would both need in our years together to come.

POV: Ahsoka Tano

There were still some questionable things about this Skywalker, but he had just stood up for me. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was... I clenched my eyes shut in disgust. Of course, he was.

"Alright younglings, you are free to go back to your classes. I have a very difficult decision to make. One of you will be contacted when I make my choice."

As we walked back in the direction we came, I couldn't help but think about Skywalker. Was it really fair for me to judge him like I was without knowing him at all? Even though I hated to admit it, I considered the possibility that it was probably my own competitive drive to be the best that made me dislike him. 'Jealousy is not the Jedi way,' I reminded myself shamefully.


Alya and I had just finished our classes and were heading to the youngling training room to train a bit before we went to the Mess Hall.

We put down our packs and grabbed some training sabers before turning on the system to a medium difficulty level. I positioned myself and waited for the blasts to come.

After about forty-five minutes, my comlink started to beep. I put down my training saber and grabbed my water bottle before sitting on a bench away from Alya to answer it.


"Ahsoka," Windu's deep voice spoke. "Come to the council chambers immediately. Come alone and tell no one."

"On my way. Tano out."

"Ahsoka, are you coming?" Alya asked as she deflected another shot.

"Uh... I'm feeling kind of sick. I'm going to head back to the dorm."

"Okay, I will see you later then."

I walked through the halls and thought about why I would be called to the council chambers. It sounded very serious.

I approached the chambers and the doors opened. I walked inside to see the full council and... Skywalker in the room waiting for me.

"Ahsoka," Yoda began, "Chosen by Skywalker to be his padawan you have been. Accept do you?"

My jaw dropped open and my eyes widened. I turned to Master Skywalker and he smirked at me. I couldn't believe it, he chose me? I was still awestruck and confused when I answered. "I accept". 'No no-no. I did not just accept that!" I thought I didn't want to be his padawan, but for some reason, I couldn't seem to stop the words from falling through my mouth.

The Masters all nodded in approval and Skywalker began to walk towards me.

"Turn around," he whispered.

I somewhat reluctantly turned around and he clipped my padawan beads between my right and rear lek.

"As Master and padawan, you will share a dorm," Windu informed us. "Skywalker, go with your padawan and help her move into your dorm. Another bed has been added for her."

"Yes Masters," he responded. He turned to me and grinned. "Come on Snips let's get you moved in."

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