Chapter 17

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POV: Anakin Skywalker


I quickly snapped out of my sleep to find Ahsoka sitting on top of me.

"Ahsoka?" I yawned.

"Master get up!"

"What?" I looked at the time. "Ahsoka, it's not even 5:30 yet. Why are you awake?"

"Come on we have to get ready!"

"The one day you get to sleep in and now you want to wake up early?"

"Master, it's one thing to wake up early to train or go on a mission. It's another thing to wake up early to go on a meditative leave!"

I chuckled at her reasoning and then rolled over to go back to sleep.

"No Master! It's time to get up!"

I kept my eyes closed and smiled. I was no longer tired, but I was curious to see how far she would go to get me out of bed.

"Master!" she yelled directly into my ear. I flinched but didn't open my eyes.

She yanked my pillow from under my head and hit me with it on my back.

"Oh come on, there's no way you actually fell asleep again."

She climbed off of me and kneeled next to me on my bed. She came closer to me and examined my face. I couldn't help but softly smile when she brushed my hair out of my face.

She must have noticed my smile because I immediately felt a slap on my arm. "I know you're awake Skyguy," she laughed.

I chuckled and then climbed off of my bed. "Go pack your stuff Snips."

She raced off to her side of the dorm and packed as fast as she could.

I hardly had anything to pack so I was ready in no time.

"Are you ready Ahsoka?" I asked her after a while.

She jumped up with her bags. "Yes," she replied excitedly.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

We walked out of the temple to the landing bay and boarded the Twilight. I sat in the pilot seat and Ahsoka sat next to me in the co-pilot seat.

"So where are we headed?" I asked her as I prepared the ship for taking off.

"You don't know?"

"Well, where do you want to go?"

"Where can we go?"

I thought about it. "We can go anywhere you want to Snips. Alderaan, Naboo, Mandalore-"

"Tatooine?" she interrupted.

I briefly glared at her. "Anywhere, except there..."

She chuckled. "Oh, Skyguy..."

"So where is it going to be?"

"Naboo sounds perfect."

"Alright, Naboo it is. I know the perfect place there."

I set the coordinates for Naboo and then jumped to hyperspace.

Ahsoka and I sat in the Ship talking and laughing about past missions for a few hours until she fell asleep. 'Now she wants to sleep,' I chuckled.

I ran my hand down her lekku and she subconsciously leaned into my touch. I smiled softly at her reaction and continued to watch her.

These past few days had been strange for me. Ever since that night of Alya's death and my breakdown, I constantly found myself thinking about Ahsoka. I wanted to hold her again, to feel her gentle fingers run through my hair, or nuzzle my face into her neck.

I knew I shouldn't want these things, but I couldn't help it and I didn't know why.

After a few moments, my thoughts wandered to what happened in the training room. Her face came so close to mine, I almost thought she was going to... kiss me. And in that moment I... I wanted her to...

I dismissed it as her just suddenly feeling the weight of her lost friend and not almost kissing me, but it made me realize a desire deep inside me that I hadn't noticed before.

I turned away from her and sighed in frustration. I needed to push these feelings down and then wait for them to go away. Holding on to them would only make things more difficult for both of us. I had to let her go.

An hour later, we arrived in a beautiful forest of Naboo, several miles away from Theed.

I carefully landed the Twilight and then walked over to Ahsoka.

"Snips!" I whispered.

She groaned and turned away from me.

I chuckled. "Ahsoka, we're here."

"Where," she mumbled.


With that, she jumped out of her seat and looked up at me excitedly.

"We're here?" she asked.

I simply nodded and went to grab our bags.

She ran to the exit of the ship and quickly lowered the ramp and stepped outside. I followed a little ways behind her.

I closed my eyes as I stepped foot on Naboo's lush grasses and felt the soft warm breeze. I remembered the first time I stepped foot on this planet after my childhood on a dry and sandy planet. I had never known there could be that much green in the entire galaxy.

I was brought back to reality by Ahsoka's voice.

"It's beautiful Master," she whispered.

I sighed. "Yeah, it is." I started walking down a forest path. "Wait until you see where we are staying."

I carried our bags down the path and Ahsoka followed me until we reached a beautiful small house.

The house was surrounded by lush forest and a clear lake that stretched out farther than I could see.

"Wow," Ahsoka gasped. "How did you manage this?"

"I bought this house a few months before you became my padawan, but I never got the chance to use it until now."

We continued to admire our surroundings until I decided we should probably go in.

"Come on Snips," I told her as I nodded towards the house.

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