Chapter 7

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POV: Ahsoka Tano

I woke up the next morning as my master sat on my bed and patted my back.

"Ahsoka," he whispered.

I groaned and kept my eyes closed.

"Ahsoka, I have to go give the mission report. You can stay here and sleep. I will be back in a few hours."

I felt him lift himself from my bed and leave the dorm before I quickly fell back asleep.


A few hours passed and I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I sat up and yawned as I stretched my arms. It was nice to sleep in after a long mission.

I looked around the dorm and realized my master wasn't in it.


"Oh yeah", I said to myself as I vaguely remembered him waking me up earlier to tell me he was going to give the mission report to the council.

"Well, I suppose this means I have a few hours to myself." I found it weird to be alone. The past week I've had Skyguy by my side at all times.

Suddenly, it occurred to me I hadn't seen Alya ever since I became a padawan. Now would be the perfect time to visit her.

I ran through the temple until I finally reached her dorm. I opened the door and to my surprise it was empty.

That's weird. Well, she was probably here somewhere, it's not like she's left the temple. I held my hand out and closed my eyes as I reached into the force.

She was definitely still in the temple, I felt her force signature.

I traced it through the temple until I was led to a dorm. I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings. I recognized this dorm. This was... Master Obi Wan's dorm? I was confused but knocked on the door anyway.

Footsteps approached and the door opened to reveal Alya standing on the other side.

"Ahsoka!" She yelled excitedly as she threw her arms around me.

"Alya! It's so good to see you."

We broke apart and she noticed my obvious confusion.

"Why are you in Obi Wan's dorm?" I asked her.

"Oh, I was meaning to tell you... I was selected as Master Kenobi's padawan!" She told me happily.

"Wow, Alya! That's great!" I rubbed the back of my neck remembering when I was called as Skywalker's padawan and left her in the training room. "I.. guess you figured out I became Skywalker's padawan..."

"Yeah, it was kind of obvious he was going to choose you." She laughed.

"I'm sorry I left you there... I didn't have a choice."

"It's okay Ahsoka... I would've done the same thing."

We laughed and walked out of her dorm.

"So how long have you been Master Kenobi's padawan?" I asked her

"Oh, not that long, only a few days."

"Wait, if you're Obi Wan's padawan, and I am Skywalker's, we are going to have a lot of missions together!"

"It will make all my missions that much better to have a friend with me," she said.

As Jedi padawans, we knew attachment and friendships were forbidden, but sometimes I felt like it was only natural to form friendships. It wasn't like I was going to turn to the dark side just because of a simple friendship. Maybe the council meant romantic relationships? I didn't know, but an attachment was an attachment...

"Well, we should catch up! do you want to go to the Mess Hall with me?" Alya asked. "My master is at the council meeting, so I have a few hours."

"Sure! that sounds fun!"

Together, we walked down to the Mess Hall and got our food. I led her to my usual table with my master's squad and introduced her. We sat and ate as we all went around sharing our wildest stories and getting to know more clones.

After we finished eating, we eagerly headed to the Jedi Training Room to spar with our new lightsabers for the first time against each other.

She and I were pretty well matched. I won some and she won some until we were both exhausted and sat on a bench to drink our water.

"That was way more fun than using training sabers!" She laughed.

"Yeah, I know! I thought when I became a padawan I would finally be done with those things, but my master still makes me use them when he is teaching me a new move or he thinks it would be dangerous to use real ones."

"I haven't trained a whole lot with Master Kenobi yet, but for every one thing you think your master is strict about, mine is sure to be at least ten times more so."

I laughed at her comment. She had a point. I'd give her that. Skyguy was very easygoing compared to the rest of the Jedi in the temple. He was one of a kind.

"Speaking of masters," she continued. "Ours will be done with their meeting soon. We should head back." She said sadly.

I sighed and walked with her to the door and we stepped into the hallway.

All of the sudden, I heard footsteps approaching us. I turned around and was greeted by a punch in the face, knocking me to the ground. 

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see my old classmates, Zayla Wood and Anothy Berch, standing above me.

"So," Anothy spoke, "you think you're better than us just because you became a padawan sooner?"

I stood up and stood in my fighting stance, ready for anything. "I never said that."

"The chosen one is your master! I wanted to be his padawan!" He yelled at me.

"Sorry," I said in a sarcastic voice.

This time Zayla spoke. "You spoiled little bastard!"

Her fist came up to punch me again, but I caught it in my hand. I let go and was about to give them the fight of their lives when I felt a strong hand grab hold of my wrist. I looked up to see my master standing above me. I must have been so caught up in the moment I didn't feel him come up behind me.

I felt his anger seep through his eyes as he let go of my wrists. He sent a wave of force to Zayla and Anothy, only strong enough to knock them to the ground a few feet away.

"You stay away from her younglings!" he yelled.

They quickly stood and ran off. I looked back at Alya to see if she was okay before turning my attention back to my master.

"Skyguy!" I said in a whiny tone. "I wanted to do that!"

He had calmed down by then and looked at me with a shy smirk. "You'll get your chance Snips."

"You do realize, I managed to survive sixteen years without your constant protection! I can handle myself!"

I saw him stop and briefly ponder the words I had just said before he started walking away. "Come on Snips, let's go." He said as he turned back to me and smiled.

I could hear Alya's soft laughter behind me as she heard our nicknames and watched our argument in amusement.

I gave in and sighed. He was just being protective, but it was really annoying. I hoped he wouldn't be like this for the rest of our time together. "See ya later Alya." I managed to get out before my master dragged me away.

I heard her attempt to reply, only to fail as she continued to laugh.

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