Chapter 3

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POV: Ahsoka Tano

"Snips?" I asked while we walked out of the chambers.

He looked back at me and smiled as we continued to walk towards my dorm. "You're my snippy little padawan."

I rolled my eyes and walked faster to catch up with him.

We finally reached my old dorm and he helped me carry my few possessions to our new dorm to place them by my bed.

"Alright Ahsoka, take your time to get settled in. I will be back in around an hour."

"Yes, Master." He gave me a weird look at the sound of this new title and then left the dorm.

I lay back on my bed and let the events of the day sink in. Had it really been just this morning that I was half an hour late for my youngling classes? It felt so long ago. I was a padawan now. The padawan of "the chosen one" whatever that meant.

I started to unpack my things as I continued to think about this new chapter of my life. I knew I just met my Master, but I could see us making a pretty great team in the future.

POV: Anakin Skywalker

After about an hour, I came back to my dorm to find Ahsoka laying on her bed with her eyes closed. I sat on her bed and leaned in closer to her face.

"Snips!" I whispered as she shot up to a sitting position."I'm back."

"Geez Skyguy, you scared me there."

"Sorry about that. Anyways, the day is still young. Let's go shopping."


"Yeah, Shopping. We need to get you some padawan outfits and supplies. Come on it will be fun."

"Okay, that sounds fun, but shouldn't we be training."

"Well, we shouldn't be assigned a mission for at least a week. Besides, we should get to know each other a little before we jump right into this war. Going into town would be the perfect way to do that. But I guess if you want to train that badly-"

"No! That's not what I meant. Of course, I'd rather go shopping than train!"

I chuckled at her sudden enthusiasm. "Well, come on what are we waiting for?"

"Wait, I don't have any credits."

"Don't worry Snips, I've got you taken care of." I smiled and shook my tunic pockets so she could hear all the credits inside.

She giggled and we made our way towards my speeder. "Alright hop in!" I said as I flipped backward, landing in the driver's seat.

She rolled her eyes and got into the passenger seat. "Show off."

"That's what Masters are for," I said with a wink.

Not long after, we arrived in the heart of Coruscant. I parked my speeder in front of some shops and we sat in silence admiring the view.

"I've never seen the city this close before," she said in awe. "This is a much better view than I get from the Jedi temple."

"You don't leave the temple much, do you."


I jumped out of the speeder and opened the door for her. "Well, come on let's make the most of it."

I helped her out and we walked towards the shops.

"Wow! This place is huge," she said with excitement written all over her face.

"Alright, Ahsoka here are some credits. Go have fun and meet me here in forty-five minutes to pay for your stuff."

"You're not coming with me?"

"It's alright, you don't need me seeing all the...items you need."

"Oh come on Master! It will be fun!"

And with that, she grabbed me by my wrists and dragged me into some aisles to pick out some outfits. I watched with a grin on my face as she eagerly dug through the racks to find what she was looking for.

"What do you think Skyguy?" She asked as she held an outfit out for me to see.

"Sure snips."

She then placed the outfit in my arms and continued to search for stuff. This pattern continued until my arms were very full.

"Okay Ahsoka, are you about done?" I asked nervously.

She turned to me and chuckled as she saw me struggle to carry her large pile.

"Yep, that's about everything I can think of that I will need."

She helped me with her pile and we carried it to the checkout. "Alright sir that will be 300 credits," the cashier told me. Ahsoka looked shocked, but I paid the amount of credits without hesitation.

"Have a nice day," I said as I grabbed the bags and walked towards my speeder.

I climbed in and placed the bags in the backseat. Ahsoka quietly got into the passenger seat and turned away from me. I got the feeling she was upset.

"What's wrong Ahsoka?"

She opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, but then closed it again and remained silent.

"Come on Snips, you can tell me."

She bit her bottom gray lip was silence for a few moments before she finally said in a soft voice, "It's just... well I didn't mean for you to spend that much on me."

"It's alright Ahsoka, I wanted to take you shopping."

"But you should use your credits on yourself..., not me."

"Listen, they are my credits and I can choose how I want to spend them. Today I wanted to make you feel happy and welcome and I'm glad I spent every credit I did on you."

She looked at me with a happy expression on her face for a few moments and then smiled. "Thank you, Master."

I smiled back at her. "You're welcome, my padawan. Now let's get back to the temple and grab something to eat."


We got back to the temple and grabbed some food from the Mess Hall before returning to our dorm. It was late now and we got into our beds.

She must have been exhausted because she quickly fell asleep. I watched her sleep for a while, enjoying her company in my usually empty and lonely dorm.

She brought happiness and excitement into my dorm and into my life. I knew I only just met her, but today was the most fun I'd had in years. I looked forward to our time together to come.

Maybe having a padawan wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

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