Prologue: How It Is

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Before I start the story, I want to give out a disclaimer: I haven't read the manga. So, all of you manga people can zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket cuz I don't know anything further than the anime. If I make some mistakes, please forgive me. This is my first fanfic, so it feels different when the characters aren't mine. Welp, all that aside, enjoy! -Quill out.

Izuku POV:

The tears streamed down my face like rain. My mouth was open just slightly and my jaw shivered in shock. My mom's arms held me tight as if she was afraid she'd lose me if she let go. I had just lost my dream. Confirmed by the doctor himself, I would never be a hero.

That was just how it was.

If you don't have a quirk, you can't be a hero. Still, though, I was four. A kid can dream, can't he? My mom's tears felt like acid as they seeped into my shirt and soaked into my shoulder. My shaky eyes were loosely locked on the sight of the computer with my favorite hero on it. I'd seen the video a million times, but this time, it seemed farther away than it ever had.

If that makes sense. That moment, for me, was the moment everything changed. When I learned and accepted I would never be a hero. And yet, I still dreamed that faraway dream even if I could never reach it. 

For some reason, I'm right there again. I'm trapped in a dazed, blind, strange trance as I think to myself about how I lost something I never had. Of course, it's about ten years after the first time I was in this trance.

I'll tell you why it happened again:

My childhood "friend", Katsuki Bakugou (I call him Kacchan), was being eaten alive by a slime villain. Without knowing exactly why or how, I soon found myself ripping and tearing at the slime monster, trying to free him. He would clearly rather die than live because of me; however, I did try to help him. 

Heroes arrived and saved him, and in a strange turn of events, I found myself clinging to the hero All Might. If you, for some reason, don't know who All Might is, he's only the greatest hero in the world. The "Symbol of Peace". My idol. 

We landed on a roof and I tried to talk to him. It was all a blur, but I remember asking him:

"Can someone... even if they don't have a quirk... can they be a hero... like you?"

There was a pause. I was clenching my fists in anticipation as I awaited his answer.

And then-

"No," He answered through his broad grin. In an instant, my heart sunk to the very depths of my soul and my blood ran cold as ice. He continued, "It... wouldn't be realistic. As great as it is to dream, for someone born without a quirk to become not only a hero but #1 hero, it would take several miracles and many, many years."

"What if-!" I cried out, my voice shaking, "What if they were willing to put in those many years of training? What if those several miracles did hap-"

"No," All Might firmly stopped me, "They'd kill themselves if they had no quirk. That's just how it is. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

He left, leaving only a mysterious puddle of blood on the roof. I, in his wake, felt the same way I felt all those years ago. But this time, it wasn't a doctor telling me I didn't have a quirk. It was All Might telling me I couldn't be a hero.

Because "that's just how it is."

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