Chapter 10: Turning

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Izuku POV:


I had power.

Real, actual power. I had 5 quirks, and I loved all of them. Something I'd learned from Shigaraki was: ask permission after you do it so that they have to say yes. I was a victim of this. Well, now I know that this technique isn't all that immoral, because I would never have agreed to become a Nomu, but now I love it!

My quirks are:

Venom- my bite is now poisonous. There are now two new teeth behind my canines that are filled with venom and inject it into whatever I bite. I have to wear a weird retainer thing when I eat so that it doesn't get in my food.

Gravity manipulation- I can increase or decrease the gravitational pull of certain objects or places, and I can identify who or what it affects.

Ventriloquism- I can move my voice anywhere I want, and wherever my voice is, my mind can see it. I can also see what's in front of me still, though. It's like a double monitor.

Heightened Senses- It's what it sounds like. I can give myself perfect hearing, sight, sense of smell, or taste. No idea what it does for touch, though.

Memory- This one is actually pretty cool. I can reach back into my memory and remember anything with exact accuracy. This applies to forgotten memories as well.

I obviously wrote all this down in my notebook. Whenever I learn something new about one of my quirks, I jot it down as soon as I can. It's everyone's cheat sheet for when something goes wonky with their quirk, so I still write down everything about everyone else, too.

"Okay, everyone," Shigaraki said seriously, "We only have a week left before we attack UA. Scout team, what have you learned?" He turned to me and Toga.

Toga's hand shot up, "They're gonna kick our asses!" She announced excitedly, "Class 1A is suuuuuuper cool! There's a buncha really good fighters, and most of their teamwork is impeccable!" She gave an exaggerated chef's kiss after the previous sentence.

I cleared my throat, "Not always. There's definitely a lot of disagreement between them. Not all of them get along, and they haven't trained enough with their quirks to be able to use them together." I held up my notebook, "About their quirks, I wrote down everything I could find out. I photocopied the pages so we could all study, but I apologize for my bad drawings." I pulled a huge stack of packets that had all the 1A students' information.

A collective sigh fell from everyone's mouths.

"Or not," I offered, "And we can get our asses kicked as Toga said."

They shot glances around the room at each other.

"I think the ones we should look out for are Shoto Todoroki, the son of Endeavor, Momo Yaoyorozu, who literally has the power of God (creation), Tooru Hagakure, who is invisible, and Katsuki Bakugo," I told them. "Hagakure isn't the best in battle, but who knows where she is. We'd have to be careful. And don't worry about Katsuki Bakugo."

"Why?" Twice asked, "You wrote a lot about him, so I figure he's pretty good." He flipped through one of the packets.

"Leave him to me," I commanded.

"Deku, this is a team effort," Shigaraki grumbled from behind his... hand thing, "You can't have one student all to yourself, and he can't you all to himself."

"Let me. Handle. Katsuki Bakugo." I said, "Please."


"...revenge," I muttered. 

Shigaraki scratched his neck and sighed. He eventually nodded and said to the whole room, "Everyone, grab a packet and try to study. Somewhat. However much you can." He slumped over to the stack and pulled one off the top. Reluctantly, so did everyone else.

Back in my room, I flipped through the notebook, memorizing everything about everyone. When I got to Kacchan's pages, I stared at my crude drawing of him. I'd been taking notes on his quirk for a very long time, so the pages were littered with details.

To myself, I mumbled, "I wonder what he thought when he found out I was a villain..." It didn't make sense. How did a mean bully that hated everyone end up as a hero, while I, a kind, good kid that just wanted to be nice, end up as a villain? How strange...

I used to look up to Kacchan. I really did. But now... I'm looking down at him. Every time I pictured him- his blood-red eyes, his explosion of hair, his sadistic grin -I felt almost sick. Was that what he meant by- "just looking at you makes me sick! "? Now I know how that feels. 

13 days went by

Tomorrow we attack UA. Class 1A will be on the training grounds, and that's when we attack. Kacchan's in class 1A, so I'll get to fight him. The problem is, I don't know if I want to now, or what I'll do if I do fight him. Will he have questions? Definitely. Will I have answers? Probably. Will we try to kill each other? Possibly. Will we want to? Maybe. Will he get emotional? Hopefully.

Everybody is getting ready to go fight tomorrow. For a bunch of bad guys, we really work hard. I trained with my quirks and became comfortable with all of them. However...

"Deku!" Twice called, "If you keep shooting, your arm'll fall off! Take a break!"

My arm trembled as I kept it sustained in the air, my gun smoking. I took a deep breath before I lowered the pistol to my side. "Twice, have you ever killed someone you knew?" I asked without looking at him.


"I'm just wondering what it feels like to... to kill someone," I gazed at the target that was now riddled with holes, its stuffing tumbling out. "Someone you know. Someone you really, really know." I held up my gun and stared at it. 

"Well, yeah," He said, "But if you knew them when you killed them, doesn't that mean revenge?"

"Yeah. Exactly." I nodded, "Revenge..."

Deku... Kacchan always called me... Deku. Hmm... the tables are turning.

"Twice, I have an idea."

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