23. 𝗡𝗼 𝗪𝗮𝘆 𝗢𝗳 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴

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Frankie's POV

The day I found was wrapping up faster than I had anticipated & moms indeed had given my phone back to me. I guess it hadn't been in the bedside drawer and mom had taken it to school with her to hand to mama when they ate lunch even before they had known I would ask them to stay after. Excitement also raided me just thinking about what really was after school. I had lied. I felt guilty but this was my only chance to make new friends and I didn't want to seem like the goody two shoes principals daughter that I was.

Luckily mama hadn't been staying after at the building and headed home to have the evening to herself while my mom came home a little later after her shift. Then one of them would come pick me back up from the schools library once I had finished the group project.

Asking mama to stay after had gone easier than I planned. I knew she would say yes because I had practically been good my whole life (besides these last few weeks). I was also surprised how my grounding hadn't been as bad as I thought. They had loosened up a bit more on my punishment mainly because I think they knew they were in the wrong for keeping me out of the loop. Basically our communication sucked and I was about to unknowingly make it 10 times worse. But for now in the moment, I was sure this plan was to work and I was beyond ecstatic to have a night of real fun.

"Hey Frankie!" I suddenly heard a voice call my name from down the hall. I turned and saw Carmen making her way towards me as she also had stayed after.

"Hey!" I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice. Carmen was everything I wanted to be. I couldn't wait to get to know her more even though I was beyond nervous for whatever reason.

"Assuming your parents said yes since we are both here." Carmen said as she now stood inches away from me. I could feel my heart beat fast as the hairs on my skin also seemed to stand up. She was so pretty and she smelled really good as weird as that sounded. I could tell she had put on eucalyptus mint hand sanitizer as I too had once been obsessed with it.

"They are super chill people." I replied lying about my parents. Here I was lying to my parents along with lying about them. I was also hoping she didn't remember earlier how my other mom was a police officer. I just wanted a fresh start with new people who didn't avoid me because of my parents occupations. Or having two moms for a start. I wanted to escape all the other crap that was going on in my life and just have fun tonight.

"Yeah, my parents think I am at a different friend's house tonight. They have no clue that we are going to a party." Carmen answered as I could also sense the excitement in her voice.

"Wait, party? I thought Nicole and Sadie said it was a get together board game kind of night." I said a little too quickly.

"Well yeah, it sorta is. But it sorta also isn't. There will be a mix of people there doing different stuff. We can just hang off to the side and play cards or something." Carmen said trying to calm my nerves. I had never gone to a party before, after all I was only eleven.

"Wait, how old are you?" I asked almost hesitant.

"Twelve, you?" She said simply as she busied herself in playing with her hands. She avoided my eyes as I responded stating my age.

"Oh, when's your birthday?" She asked as she leaned heavily on the lockers that surrounded us down the halls.

"March 7th." I said truthfully.

"No way, mines March 10th!" She said excitedly as she finally looked up.

"Really? We should do a fun birthday celebration for the both of us." I said.

"That is, if we're still friends. Not that we are friends right now because we only just met." I added quickly trying not to embarrass myself. I was beyond nervous for whatever reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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