3. 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗪𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲

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Frankie's POV

Once we had picked up Mike, we headed to the event. It was bigger then I thought it was going to be. I guess I was glad I had tagged along instead of sleeping in. There were a million different carnival games to play, and tons of food. I went to these events other times and they had not been nearly as big. This one was far from lame. There were a lot of people and kids, not to mention cops considering it was an event that the sdpd put on. All the cops were in full uniform, gun and all including my parents.

"Hey Frankie, Mike and I have to go help out at a stand. Do you want to help us?" My mom asked as I turned to face her.

"Can I actually go look around a bit?" I asked.

She thought about it for a moment. "Yes, just be careful and be back here in half an hour." She said giving me a smile. One thing about my mom is she was always very protective of me which I didn't mind. It made me feel safe but at times I felt like she held me back from things.

"And remember, don't talk to strangers!" Mike yelled after me as I started walking away.

"Dad, this place is full of cops, I think I'll be okay." I said turning around and smiling at him.

I heard him laugh as I walked away.

Mike and I were very close. He was my dad. Him and Stef had found me and raised me since I was 5. They adopted me soon after I was put into their care. They never told me about my past. About my birth parents. About where I came from. They just always told me that I was found in a shed abused and starved. I felt like there was something they weren't telling me. You would think they would know more considering they were cops and all. They had the access and ability to find out about those kinds of things involving my past.

But I didn't know any of it. They never talked about it, only if I brought it up. And when I did, they would tell me the same exact things. It's like they were shutting me out from the truth. The truth that I would have to figure out all by myself. The hard way.

I was walking and looking around. There were a lot of new stuff that the other events didn't have.

I saw some things I wanted to do and reached in my pocket for some money. Came up with only a few cents. I forgot money. I decided to head back to my parents to go get some money from them. I turned around and made my way over to where their stand was. Only I didn't know where their stand was. They left me and I guess they assumed that I already knew where it was when in reality I actually didn't. Oh well, I bet I could just ask a cop. After all, everyone knew me and were good friends with my parents.

I looked around to see where I was and saw one of those fortune teller things. The machines with the creepy genie. I decided to waste my cents on that.

I went over to it and put my coins in. It said the stupid line that all of them said about how you are destined for great things and your future holds many good things. Blah blah blah. Just give me the dumb card already. And it did.

I took it and read it.

"You will make a life changing decision today. Don't regret what you choose."

Well that's great I thought. It's probably if I have to choose between getting a hot dog, or a corn dog. I rolled my eyes, stuffed the card in my pocket, and headed towards John who had known me since the day my parents found me.

"Hey Frankie!" John said as I got closer to him. He brought me into a hug.

"And how are you?" He asked looking down at me.

"Kinda tired. Bored. Hungry. Uneducated. Un entertained." I said as he laughed.

"Well, how about we go get a snack. Its on me." He said smiling.

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