9. 𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝗻

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Stef's POV

"Get over here missy." I said as I saw Frankie standing at the top of the slide.

"No, chase me!" I heard her high pitched voice squeak

"Mommy's tired from work." I said as I was truly exhausted but Frankie so badly wanted to go to the park when I came home and I couldn't break her little heart. I was still in uniform as she hadn't even let me change because she was so excited.

"Then don't be a police and chase people. Only chase me." She said as she stood smiling at the top of the play ground.

I laughed to myself. She was so darn cute and it was hard to say no to her. Since we had found her, she immediately grew attached to us very quickly. Sure she had her days where she was more reserved and trust came more difficult for her, but for the most part she was a carefree happy little six year old girl. She had really grown out of her shell and she was a fireball of energy and had both Lena and I worn out at the end of the day.

"Mommy, go to the bottom of the slide and when I go down, then be there and tickle me." I heard her say as she was now crouched down at the top of the slide.

"Its a big slide, your not scared, are you?" I asked as it was sort of a bigger slide then she was used to going down.

"Just tickle!"

"Okay, I'm coming to tickle you." I said in a funny voice as I heard her laugh.

I got to the bottom of the slide and then heard Frankie's feet clunking from the top. I waited for her to come down.

"Franks, where are you?" I asked as she still had not come down. I had also stopped hearing her feet clunk.

"Mommy, I'm a monkey!" I suddenly heard her say. I furrowed my eyebrows together confused.

I then stepped away from the slide and walked around to the back of the slide.

I gasped at the sight I saw.

"Francesca Adams Foster!" I yelled as I quickly rushed over to her.

She was hanging over the slide upside down with her legs wrapped around the edge.

"Ohhh ohh ah ah." She said as she started swinging from her legs.

"Francesca, stop. Swing yourself back up." I said frantically as I now was holding my arms out ready to catch her if she fell. She would most likely hit her head on the next ring down of the slide. And the slide was very tall which made me nauseous.

"No, I'm a monkey." She said as she dangled her arms below her head.

"You need to stop and hoist yourself back up there." I said in a still panicked voice.

"Fine." She said as I saw her roll her eyes. She gracefully flipped herself back up and sat on the edge of the ledge.

"No, sit in the slide and go down it." I said sternly as I still had my arms out ready to catch her if she did fall.

She plopped herself back onto the slide.

"Okay, now go down it." I said as I backed away so I could get a better view of her.

"No, if I go down, you will be at the bottom and be mad." She said as she now peaked over.

"Then I guess I will have to come up there." I said in a threatening voice. She knew this game all to well.

𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲Where stories live. Discover now