7. 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀

575 11 18

Stef's POV

That same feeling rose up in the pit of my stomach. It had not even been a full day yet and she had run away again?

My breath hitched as I looked around expecting her to magically appear right in front of me. She couldn't have gone far I told myself. And where could she have gone? There was nowhere to go. How had she gotten away so fast right under my nose.

Maybe she was in the back of the car. The trunk. I quickly went to the back door and opened it.

My heart pace quickened when she wasn't sitting back there. Not even a blanket was back there for her to be hiding under.

I shut the door harshly as I moved away from the car. "Frankie!" I yelled as fear and panic crept up in my voice.

No answer. I looked around as tears threatened my eyes. No no no. God dammit this couldn't be happening.

"Frankie!" I shouted her name again. And the same thing happened. Nothing. What was I expecting. I was so stupid. I let her walk to the car by herself. I should have known this was coming. I cursed mentally to myself.

I could still catch up to her if she was on the run. I quickly pulled out my phone and hopped in the car.

I could call Frankie. Did she even have her phone on her? I had forgotten to take it away from her.

Just then the passengers side door opened.

"Where the hell were you!" I yelled as Frankie looked at me wide eyed.

"I was around the corner." She said recoiling at the sound of my voice.

"Why would you do that to me? Are you trying to kill me? Give me a heart attack!" I yelled as my voice got even harsher with her.

"What, no! I legit had to go to the bathroom and so I walked around the corner to see if there was a gas station near by so I could relieve myself. I don't see a problem with that." She defended herself.

"Get in this god damn car right now Francesca." I said lowering my voice to a dangerously low tone.

She huffed as she climbed fully in and shut the door with some attitude.

"You could have waited for me to drive you to the gas station or any restroom instead of storming off where ever you please. You and me both know there is a restroom in that gym that you could have just gone in." I said as I glared harshly at her.

"You were talking to the dude at the front desk. You looked like you were in deep conversation and I didn't want to interrupt you. And I didn't want to go in there because the gym smells like feet." She said.

Damn was this kid really on a roll. She knew exactly what she was doing. And I knew exactly what I was going to do next. I always had the final word and I was going to get that into her thick little head if it was the last thing I did.

I locked the car doors and put hers on child lock. This didn't go unnoticed by her. I pulled my seatbelt on over me as she also did.

"You think I'm gonna try and jump out of a moving car now Stefanie?" She said trying not to make her voice waver. I knew she was scared and I had every right to make her even more scared. So scared that she would pee her pants.

"Well at the rate your rolling, I wouldn't be surprised. I swear to god you are on a suicide mission. Correct me if I'm wrong." I said as I reversed out of our parking spot.

"No, surprisingly I'm not feeling too suicidal today." She said with sarcasm hinting in her voice. Or at least I hoped.

I started driving as I stayed silent. She knew the game she was playing. I was hoping today would be a harsh eye opener for this kid. Even if it meant I had to take the high road with some of my plans and "lessons" today. She had it coming for her.

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