14. 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘁

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Frankie's POV

He was going to get me. I was going to loose them. I was going to loose me again.

My legs couldn't run fast, like they were in quick sand. I was running in slow motion. He wasn't. He got closer as I could feel him inching towards me. My heartbeat quickened. I grew panicked. Dread filled my small body. Then I felt his hand fall onto my shoulder and grip it tightly.

I shot upward. My breath hitched as I realized I was in my bed. All around me was dark. I could feel it swallow me whole. Tears threatened my eyes.

"Mommy's?" I whispered into the darkness around me. My body was drenched in sweat. I still felt that sinking pit in my stomach. The same dread that was in my previous dream. Almost as if I was still in it. This frightened me even more.

I wanted to call to my moms louder. Only I was scared he would hear me too. I moved my head around trying to see if my eyes would adjust to the dark. They didn't though making me question if I was still dreaming.

I so badly felt like shoving myself back under the covers to hide. But I also wanted the comfort of my moms. But I was scared of getting out of my bed for fear he would come and grab me from somewhere in the darkness.

"Mommy's." I whispered again. My voice felt small and weak. They couldn't hear me and so I was left alone in the dark. I felt more tears well up in my eyes, this time them spilling over. I felt paralyzed. The unknown and uncertainty swallowed me just like the dark. I brought my blanket up to my face as I rubbed it against my lips. I could now see the faint glow of the window leading to more darkness outside.

It had been a dream. I was sure of it. Real life I was living in. What backed that up was the feeling of my full bladder. I realized I needed to go. Badly. But I was near petrified to move an inch.

"Mommy's." I called a bit louder. But to no avail, there wasn't an answer back. I felt my bladder tighten and almost throb. I wanted to go to the bathroom in the one that was connected to my room because it was closest. But my fear seemed to fill me more than the pee in me.

My mind flashed to my dream. It felt awfully familiar to what I had lived. The thought made me shutter making me want my moms even more. What if he had gotten them. Hurt them? Killed them? Was that why they weren't answering? More tears trickled down my mocha cheeks. I shut my eyes tightly hoping this would all go away. That I was going to be okay. I needed reassurance. Not just from myself, but more importantly my moms.

"Frankie you got this. You survived this much and you can overcome a little dream." I told myself. It wasn't as bad as it seemed but dreams always felt more scary than real life.

I felt my bladder tighten once more. I quickly reached down and held myself as I still had my eyes shut tightly. I could stay here. But I didn't want to wet myself. I was scared of Stef and Lena getting mad at me for it.

It was now or never. I let go of myself as I opened my eyes and pushed the blankets off of me. I then swung my legs over the bed. Thoughts of someone reaching out from underneath and grabbing me filled my mind. But my bladder was more full at this point. I had to push those irrational fears aside as I hopped out of bed and bolted out of my room and toward the place and the people that made me feel the most safe.

It felt like I was running through quick sand. Slow motion. All too similar to my dream. The piercing scream I had made in my dream. Only my bladder screamed louder.

Before I knew it, I had entered into their bedroom. Their door was open as I bolted up onto the chest at the end of the bed and crawled up to my moms.

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