8. 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲

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Frankie's POV

After what felt like forever, we had reached my moms "destination" she had planned out next.

The drive ended up being not even 15 minutes to my luck.

We pulled up in front of a little cafe. Before my mom had even stopped the car fully, I unbuckled my seatbelt quickly.

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't unbuckle until the car is fully stopped, you know that Francesca." My mom scolded me.

"Mom, make some exceptions, I'm about to pee on your seat." I said as I tried unlocking the door. It was still on child lock. I looked over at her desperately. I don't think she realized I seriously had to go.

"You have to promise me one thing though." My mom added slowly. She was doing it on purpose to punish me. Make the suffering last longer. Well it was working.

"Yes, I promise." I said quickly as I just wanted her to unlock the door already. At this point I was debating on reaching over and unlocking it myself.

"You will not run away. You will go strait to the bathroom once I unlock this door. Nowhere else." My mom said sternly as her hand hovered over the child lock. No, I was gonna go hop on a plane to Bora Bora, then travel to Italy, and then come back and go to the bathroom here. Did she really think I was that high of a flight risk.

"Yeh, I promise mom." I said as I still held myself and she studied my face.

She seemed to believe me as I heard the click of the lock releasing. Without a second thought I dashed out of the car and into the restaurant. I didn't even look behind me to see if my mom was following.

The bathrooms were further in the back of the little cafe which made my torture extended out even longer.

I finally got to go to the bathroom after what seemed like forever. I finished up and unlocked the stall and headed over to the sink to wash my hands.

Just then the door opened and in walked Stefanie Adams Foster. The woman who I hated with a passion.

We exchanged silent glares as I finished washing up my hands with the paper towel.

"You really think I'm gonna run away?" I asked her irritated.

"Well you haven't really proven to me lately that you can take care of yourself necessarily." She answered.

Just then a woman walked into the bathroom with us.

"If we are going to have a conversation, how about we do it over food and not in this bathroom." My mom said as she began ushering me out.

"My mom is abusing me." I said to the lady that had walked in and was just about to go into a stall.

My mom quickly grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it almost too tightly as a warning for me to shut the fuck up.

"See, I have evidence to prove it." I said to the lady as I pointed to my head. I had a old scrape that was from a week ago from my dad and I roughhousing.

"And I have bruises." I said as I pointed to my arm where a bruise was from hitting it against my desk two days ago.

The lady just looked up at my mom shocked. It didn't help that Stef was in full uniform; gun and all.

"She's kidding." My mom said shortly smiling to the woman and turning me around and walking me out of the bathroom.

Just then I felt a hard smack on my butt.

"I suggest you shut your mouth up Francesca." I heard her whisper into my ear.

Then I felt the sting. And I instantly regretted it due to the embarrassed that she had done it in public.

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