6. 𝗣𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝗠𝗲

730 13 18

Frankie's POV

I felt someone shaking me awake.

"Franks, you even breathing?" I heard Stef say as she continued shaking me.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. It was still dark out.

"Wait, what time is it?" I said as I grabbed her wrist and checked the time on her watch.

"It's literally 5:00am mom." I said as I flung her wrist down in annoyance.

"I do know how to tell time Frankie." My mom said giving me a look.

"Leave me alone." I said as I shoved myself back under the covers.

My mom then started shaking me again.

"Stoooop." I groaned as I pushed her hands away from me.

"C'mon, get up." She said shortly.

I wrapped the covers tighter around me and buried my face into my sheets. The sheets that smelled like home. Like moms.

Suddenly I felt a lot of weight on top of me.

"Get up!" My mom shouted. It sounded muffled from where I was under the covers.

"Mom, get off! I can't breath!" I said as I realized my mom was laying on top of me.

"Did you just call me fat?" She said as the weight of her on me seemed to get heavier by the second. It also didn't help that I was buried under my covers.

"Mooooommmm!" I yelled as I tried pushing her off but she was far to strong compared to me.

"Then you should have gotten up when I told you. See Frankie, your actions have consequences." I heard her say.

I struggled under the blankets and tried finding an opening for air. Just as if she was reading my mind, she peeled back the covers while half still laying on me. I took in a big gulp of air as my mom brushed my curls out of my face.

"Get offfff!" I yelled again as her forehead was almost touching mine.

"You have morning breath." She said as she pretended to gag.

"Well I could brush my teeth if you got off me!" I shouted in her face.

"Listen Francesca. Today you and me are gonna have some bonding time. Clear some things up. Because you don't seem to have a single problem with mama, yet I am over here-"

I cut her off "I don't have a problem with you. You just make me mad sometimes."

"I make you mad? How. What is it that I do makes you so mad, you feel the need to run away? Mhhm love?" Stef questioned me.

"I wasn't running away. I was gonna come back." I mumbled.

"Doesn't matter if you were gonna come back. It's the whole fact that you-"

"It doesn't matter. It's in the past. Can we please just move on?" I said almost hesitantly as my mom still had her face inches away from mine.

"Love, that happened happened yesterday. I just want to make sure we are both on the same page. I want to understand what is on your mind." She said as she finally sat up.

"I don't have to tell you everything in my life Stefanie." I snapped.

I heard her take a deep breath as she stood up. "You know what, get dressed."

"What? No! It's 5:00am!" I shouted.

"Shhhhhhh! You are going to wake up mama." My mom said in a low tone.

𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲Where stories live. Discover now