16. 𝗧𝗿𝘆 𝗧𝗼 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲

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Stef's POV

"Look at how happy she is!" Frankie said excitedly as we had just finished setting up the enclosure for her new pet.

"Yeh, she does look pretty good in there." I said trying to mask my panic.

Here was a 20 gallon tank in my daughters room. A special light above, a thermometer and hygrometer, plenty of accessories for the animal, food and water, and some twinkling Christmas lights laid around the base of the enclosure that Frankie insisted to have.

How was I even going to explain this one to Lena when she got home. That 14 day return policy sounded better than ever right about now.

"Can I take her for a walk?" Frankie asked excitedly as she looked up at me.

"I'm not sure how that would work but you can play with her right now." I replied as dread continued to fill my body.

Luckily I had only bought one for her. I decided this creature didn't need a buddy. It wouldn't get lonely because Frankie would be it's pall instead.

"Can I pick her up?"

"Yes, just be delicate." I said.

I saw Frankie gently reach into the enclosure.

"Remember, don't pick it up by it's shell. It will hurt her body. Let her crawl up onto her hand."

I had put the tank on the ground so it was easier for my daughter to reach. I can just imagine if I had put it on one of her shelves. She would climb up onto a chair, hold onto the tank while trying to reach in and gravity would do the rest.

"What should I name her?" I was drawn out of my thoughts as I saw Frankie continue to hold her hand out waiting for her new best friend to crawl on.

"I am the last person you should be asking. And after all, you are the best at coming up with names." I said as the creature still had not moved.

"Mmhhh, I think Claudette is a good name."

Claudette? Where the hell did she even come up with that. My kids mind amazed me at times.

"I think that's a very interesting name. You sure it's not too long?" I questioned wondering how I would even memorize that. And did I really want to here the name Claudette twenty four seven in this house beginning now?

I suddenly saw Frankie use her other hand to cautiously scoot her pet onto her hand.

Claudette seemed to comply.

"Remember, only keep her in your room. No where else. Otherwise you will loose her. And don't leave her unattended." I commented as I saw Frankie lift her pet out of the tank.

"What does unattended mean?" She asked curiously. Her eyes however did not divert up to mine as they usually did when she asked a question. Instead they were focused onto her pet.

"It's something I don't like to do to you. Just don't take your eyes off her."

"Oh. Okay."

I observed as Frankie held her new friend gently. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. It would teach her not to be so violent and start being more calm.

"And don't hold her up high. Always keep her near the ground. That way if she falls, she won't take a lot of fall damage." I commented once more.

"What's fall damage?" Frankie asked.

I always forgot to use more simple words with her.

𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲Where stories live. Discover now