15. 𝗗𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗘𝗱𝗴𝗲𝘀

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Stef's POV

"Remember, we are just looking at animals. Not getting anything." I reminded Frankie for the 7th time.

"I know mommy." Frankie replied happily while skipping in front of me as we entered the pet store.

Today Lena was with some of her friends. A grown up girls day as she liked to call it. I had somewhat become more of a stay at home mom. Captain Roberts was very understanding ever since we brought Frankie into our lives. Of course I still worked as I Lena and I both needed to make a steady income to raise Frankie. But I turned less into a workaholic than I was before. I got to spend many more days with Frankie.

Lena didn't know we were heading to the pet store. She just left Frankie and I saying to do whatever we wanted.

My lovely daughter had the idea of going to this stop. Just to look she emphasized. I had a feeling she only said that to gain brownie points. She knew I would maybe give in to her getting a pet. After all, she had been asking for one a good amount over the last few months.

Lena of course was strictly against it and I understood why. But in a way I believed Frankie should maybe have a pet to learn responsibility. Frankie might be walking out with a pet and she and I both knew it.

"Ohhh look mommy, a snake!" Frankie squealed excitedly as she ran to the first enclosure.

"Remember, no running. And we have to talk quietly in here to not scare the animals." I said in a softer tone. I looked over and saw a worker as he smiled at me.

I smiled back hoping Frankie wouldn't get us kicked out within not even the first 5 minutes.

"Mommy, he's moving!" My daughter said a little too loudly clearly not hearing my comment I had made earlier.

"Remember, quiet voices." I said as I approached from behind her.

"Like whisper quiet voices, or indoor quit voices?" My daughter asked almost timidly.

"Indoor quiet." I responded as I saw her eyes still glued to the snake in front of us.

"What should we name her?" Frankie asked.

"We aren't going to name anything because we aren't taking anything home." I said.

"Keep telling yourself that. I'm going to name her Bethany." My daughter said as before I knew it, she was around the corner looking at the next enclosure.

What was I getting myself into. I should have just said no to going to the pet store. But sometimes it was so hard to say no to this little girl. She truly had all of my heart and she had been through so much in just the first bit of her life. I guess I felt as if I were trying to make up for the bad things she had experienced.

Hopefully wash those memories out with new ones like now.

"This ones name is going to be Todd." I heard Frankie say as I made my way around the corner to where she was. I saw some sort of lizard creature in the tank.

"Ok love, no more naming things, otherwise you are going to get attached." I reminded her as thankfully she was now using an appropriate indoor voice.

"Fine." My daughter said sounding somewhat disappointed as she moved onto the next enclosure which housed a tarantula.

I observed her as she stared at it. So much curiosity was in her. That's what I loved about her. We had started to get her out of her shell where she would ask questions and not be scared of being hurt for it.

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