Chapter 3: Hogwarts

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As the Hogwarts express leaves, the kids all see a familiar face of Scorpious Malfoy. "Hey, Scorp." Rose greeted, going toward him. "Hey, Weasley's, Potter's." He greeted back "Hey, Malfoy." James greeted "Hey." "Can we go find a compartment?" Albus asked "Ok. You coming?" Rose asked Hugo and Lily. "No, I think we'll find our own compartment." Hugo answered "Right, Lils." "Yeah." "Ok, see you at Hogwarts." Albus told them. "Bye." And Rose, Scorpious and Albus went to find a compartment while James went with his friends. "Hey, Lils, here's an empty compartment." Hugo said, pointing to a compartment and they got in.

10 minutes later they hear a strange voice say, "Excuse me, can we sit here." It was a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. He was also with another boy. They looked exactly the same. Perhaps there twins? "Sure." Hugo answered and the boys sat down. "Thank you." Said the first boy "By the way my names, Lysander, Lysander Scamander, and this is my brother, Lorcan." The boy named Lorcan just waved "He's the silent type."

"Oh. Anyways, My names, Lily, Lily Potter."

"And I'm, Hugo, Hugo Weasley."

"Your, Harry Potter's-." Began Lysander, looking at Lily. "-Daughter." She finished "Yeah, I know." "Oh, sorry." Lysander apologized quickly "Sorry about what?"  "Sorry for calling you Harry Potter's daughter." He told her "You must hate that." "It's ok, you didn't know." Lily said as the Trolley Witch came. "Anything from the Trolley, dears?" She asked "Yes, Can I have a chocolate frog?" Lily asked "Of course." She handed Lily a chocolate frog as Lily handed her the money. "Thank you." "Anything for you?" She asked Hugo "A licorice wand, please?" He asked. She handed him a licorice wand and he payed for it. "Anything for you?" She asked Lysander. "No, thank you. Want anything, Lorcan." He nodded "No" and she went away. "What card did you get?"Hugo asked Lily. "Another of my dad." She replied, looking down at her card before chucking it in her trunk. "Why don't you want the card with your dad?" Asked Lysander. "Because I always get him." She sighed "We get it he defeated, Voldemort."

"Speaking of parents, Who's your mum and dad." Hugo asked Lysander, knowing Lorcan wouldn't answer because he was the silent type. "Do we know them?" "Our dad is, Rolf Scamander." He answered "And our mum is, Luna Lovegood. Well technically, Scamander, now." "Oh, my parents named me after your mum." Lily told him "But your name is, Lily." He said, confused. "My middle name is, Luna." She said "My full name is, Lily Luna Potter." "Oh, cool." He said "Maybe you can meet her for holiday." "Yeah, maybe." She responded. "I can't wait for Hogwarts." Hugo exclaimed breaking the changing the subject. "Me too." Lysander and Lily agreed.

They talked the rest of the way there when Hugo said , "Look we're at Hogsmeade station."

When Lily, Hugo, Lysander and Lorcan got off Lily and Hugo heard a familiar voice say, "Firs' years over here." They looked around. They finally found who the person's voice was. It was Rebeus Hagrid. A friend of Hugo and Lily's parents." 

"Hello, Hagrid." Hugo greeted as they walked toward him. "Oh, Hullo, Hugo, Lily." He greeted back "Hi, Hagrid." Lily greeted. "Lily, who's yer friend?" He asked. "Oh, sorry." Said Lysander "I'm, Lysander, Lysander Scamander." "Nice ter meet yer, Lysander." Hagrid  said "Any friend of, Lily and Hugo's, is a friend of mine." "Thanks." Said Lysander as Lorcan went to join the other first years.

"So yer kids excited fer Hogwarts?" Hagrid asked them "Yeah." They said in unison. "Hey, Lily, where'd you get that necklace?" Asked Hugo as Hagrid went to collect the other first years. "My dad gave it to me before we boarded." She answered "It's beautiful." Lysander told her as Hagrid came back. "Well, we better get goin'." Hagrid said. They all got into a boat and headed off to Hogwarts.

After crossing the black lake a big beautiful castle came into view. "That is Hogwarts, firs' years." Hagrid told them. "Wow." Said most of the first years. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Hagrid told them. They landed on the docks and went up the stairs to the great hall doors.

Author's note- I tried my best with the things Hagrid says. Sorry if I may have gotten it wrong. Just wanted to clear that.

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