Chapter 9: Brother vs Brother

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The next morning was a saturday. Also the start of the quidditch season. Lily was going to her first Hogwarts quidditch match. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. And what made it worse (Than the houses of her 2 brothers playing against each other) was that her brother, Albus, was a Slytherin chaser. As for her brother, James, he was a Gryffindor chaser. So she was in a tough position. She had to pick a team. Or should she just miss the match and not go for a team. No, she couldn't miss her first Hogwarts quidditch match, even if her brothers were competing against each other.

"So, it's final, I'm going to my first Hogwarts quidditch match." She said after telling Hugo and Lysander if she should miss the match. "Ok, if you want." Was all Lysander said.

When they arrive James goes up to Lily and asks, "So, are you team, Gryffindor, or ,Slytherin, Cool brother or Nerdy one." "I'm not going for a team, James, Al's, my brother too." She confirmed. "Yeah, but your a, Gryffindor." He complained "So?" "So, you need to go for, Gryffindor, to win the match." James told her, strictly. Lily showed a face that said No. he was walking away when he bumped into Albus. "Don't bother, she won't go for, Gryffindor, or , Slytherin, because, 'We're her brothers.'" He said in a mimicking voice and he walked away for good. Lily, Hugo and Lysander went to go find seats as the game began. The new Reporter, Skylar Robertson, a 5th year Hufflepuff. "As, Professor Dalton, steps into the field to begin the game." He said into the microphone.

"The quaffle is released and the game begins, Chaser, Albus Potter, catches the quaffle and heads toward the hoops, but Gryffindor Keeper, Jody Dixon, catches it and passes it to, James Potter, brother vs brother, but chaser, Sam Green, steals it away and WOW, makes it into the hoops, 10 points for Slytherin."

After the match (Slytherin had won) Lily saw James and Albus fighting. "You cheated." She heard James yell. "No, I won, without cheating." Albus yelled back. Lily just ignored. "They'll get over it." Lily told Lysander and Hugo. "If you say so." Lysander said. They continued their day in the Gryffindor common room.

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