Chapter 10: Lily's Birthday

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When Lily woke up one morning she found a little pile of presents near her four poster. She wondered where they came from and why there were there. Then she remembered it was December 1st. Her birthday, Lily was 12 years old now.

"Hey, Lily, Happy Birthday." Came Rose's voice from her bed. "Thanks." Lily bent down and grabbed one of her presents. Before she opened it, she saw it said: To: Lily. From: Mum and Dad: She opened it and saw a box of Chocolate frogs. "Let's hope I don't get another of my dad." She told Rose. "I already have too much." Rose laughed as Lily found a letter from her parents. She opened it and red it: Dear Lily, Happy Birthday. Your 12 now. Your growing up so fast. We hope you have an awesome birthday. Can't wait to see you on the holidays. Love Mum and Dad.

"Open that one, Lils. It's from me and my mum." Suggested Rose, pointing to a pink box. "Ok." Lily picked up the box. When she opened it, she saw a copy of, Hogwarts: A history. "Wow, thanks, Rose." Lily said, with not much enthusiasm. "You don't like it." Rose noticed the look on Lily's face "Do you?" "No, I like it." Lily was a much brighter "Thank you." "Are you sure?" Asked Rose. "Yes." "Oh, well, your welcome." Rose had a big smile "There's a letter in there by my mum and dad." "Oh, ok." Lily noticed the letter Rose was referring. She picked it up and red: Dear Lily, Happy Birthday. I hope you liked the Hogwarts: A history. I red millions of times. I think you might find it enjoyable. Hermione. Hey Lily, Happy Birthday. Don't worry I got you a better present. Hugo will give it to you. You just wait. I personally don't like reading much. So I don't like, Hogwarts: A history. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Lily. Ron: Rose gave a little chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" Lily asked. "It's cause, 1 dad and Hugo probably got you puking pastilles. And, 2 mum's gonna kill dad." She responded


"Because, Dad said he got a better present." She did quotation marks with the word "Better"

Lily and Rose laughed a little.

When they went down to the common room they saw Lysander, Hugo and James sitting by the fire with 3 little boxes on their laps.

"Happy Birthday, Lils." Hugo went up ,hugged her and gave her the box. She opened it to find a box of puking pastilles. "I was right!" Shouted Rose. Everyone looked confused. "I guessed it in our dormitory, when, Lily, was reading the letter from mum and dad."

"Anyway." James interrupted "This if from, Al, and I." He gave her his box. She opened it and found a box of Bertie botts every flavored bean. "Thanks, James, and I'll tell, Al, thanks at breakfast." Lily gave James a hug. "Your welcome, sis."

"Here, Lily, this is from me." Lysander gave her a box. She opened it and saw more chocolate frogs. "Thanks." She hugged him "No problem." He said pulling apart from the hug.

When they all head down to the great hall they saw Albus coming from the Slytherin table toward them. "Happy birthday, sis." Albus hugged Lily "Did you like the box of Bertie botts every flavored beans?" "Yes, thanks." She answered as he let go of her. "Well, I'm going to go finish breakfast." He told her "Happy Birthday again." He left for the Slytherin table.

"Well, let's go sit down." Rose said. When they sat down Lily got another letter. "We just got letters 2 days ago." Questioned Hugo. Lily opened the letter and red: Dear Lily, Happy Birthday. Come down to my hut so I can give you your gift. Hagrid: "What do you think it is?" She asked Lysander and Hugo. They just shrugged.

Seconds later someone tapped Lily on the shoulder. She turned around quickly and saw Scorpious. "Happy Birthday, Lily." He said "Here, this is from me and my dad." He handed her a little box. "Thanks, Scorp." She opened the box and saw a red bracelet with a lion on it. "It's a Gryffindor bracelet." She put it on and said, "It's beautiful." Scorpious smiled feeling happy that she liked it. "Well, bye, I'm going to go finish my breakfast." He hugged her from behind. "Happy Birthday, Lily." He went back to the Slytherin table.

After classes ended they were heading down to Hagrid's hut when they bumped into someone. "Hello, Lily." Said a familiar voice. It was Neville. "Oh, hey, Neville."

"Here, Lily, I got you something for your birthday." Neville handed her something. It was a book on Quidditch. "I figured if your anything like, Harry, or , Ginny, you would like it." "Thank you." She replied "Where are you going?" He asked "To, Hagrid's, hut." Answered Lysander. "Ok, well, Happy Birthday, Lily." He then left. Lily, Lysander and Hugo continued to go down to Hagrid's.

When they arrived they knocked on the door. "Who's ther." Said a tall figure. "Hagrid, it's us." Said Lysander. "Oh, Hullo you three." He opened the door to let them in. "How ya bin?" "Good." They simply replied. "Well, Happy Birthday, Lily." He handed her something. "I made it." It was a cake with blue frosting and "Happee Birthdae Lily" spelled on it with purple frosting. "Thank you, Hagrid." She hugged him. "I made one like that for your dad when I told him he was a wizard." Hagrid Explained. "It looks wonderful, Hagrid." Lily told him.

"You kid's should be heading back."

"Finish up your tea."

They drained the last few drops of there tea. They were heading back to Gryffindor tower as Hagrid called, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LILY."

"THANK YOU, HAGRID." Lily called back.

When they arrived Lily was heading to her dormitory while Hugo and Lysander called, "Happy Birthday."

She smiled and went to bed.

I made a mistake. I searched it up and Lily was actually born on September 1st. I started writing this fan fiction before I knew her birthday. So my apologies.

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