Chapter 13: Harry Potter's daughter

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Lily and Hugo were sitting in their compartment when Lysander and Lorcan walked. They sat down.

"How was your Christmas?" He asked.

"Fine. Although our Uncle Charlie couldn't come." Lily said

"Sorry." Was all Lysander said.

"How was yours?" Hugo asked

"Good. I went to my Great grandparents."

"Who are your Great Grandparents?" Hugo asked him.

"My great granddad is, Newt Scamander. And my great grand mum is, Tina Scamander." He explained "Wasn't, Newt Scamander, close to Albus Dumbledore?" Lily asked. Lysander nodded.

After they arrive back at Hogwarts and the feast is over Lily is heading over to Gryffindor tower when someone says, "Did your daddy capture any Death Eaters lately?" Lily stopped and turned around. That someone was Mia Taylor.


"I said, 'your daddy capture any death eaters lately?'" She repeated.

"No." Was all Lily responded with.


"Because half the sells in Azkaban are filled thanks to my dad." Lily told her. "That's not what my mum told me." Mia snapped. Lily looked very confused. Mia noticed them said, "Did your daddy not tell you?"

"My dad tells me and my brothers everything." Lily said. She was very confused. "So you'd know that the death eater, Antonin Dolohov, escaped Azkaban." Lily didn't say a word.

Mia smirked. As she was passing Lily she said, "See you around, Harry Potter's daughter."

Lily was annoyed at that. But she was to focused on what Mia had said. Had Antonin Dolohov really escaped Azkaban? Did James and Albus know? She was lost in thought when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Hugo and Lysander. They noticed her confused look and Hugo quickly said, "Are you ok?" She nodded and they headed to the common room.

They walked in and sat on one of the chairs. Everyone then looked at Lily. They started asking questions like "How was Christmas with Harry Potter?" And "What does Harry Potter give his daughter for Christmas?"

Lily finally had enough and went to her dormitory. When she went in she saw Rose there. She sat next to Rose.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not following your plan."

"It's alright." There was Silence. Then Rose broke it. "Wanna know something." Lily nodded "That plan was stupid. I made it up."


"Well, you looked up to me. I didn't want to let you down." Lily smiled and hugged her. Lily did look up to Rose, a lot. They pulled away. "We better go to bed." Rose said. "Yeah." They then went to bed. (Lily and Rose were always first to fall asleep in the dormitory).

Authors note- Sorry this is so short. The last 2 chapter will be longer.

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