Chapter 5: The Professor's

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  The next morning Lily, Lysander and Hugo went to Transfiguration class. "Hello, Professor." Greeted Hugo as they walked in. "Sit." The transfiguration Professor, Olivia Nair, told them strictly. They sat down. "Now today we're going to transfigure a frog into a cat." She pulled out a frog, pointed her wand at it and said, "Giro Cattus." The frog turned into a cat. "Let's see who can do do it. How about you?" She asked ,pointing at Lily,

He "Yes, Miss Potter. Let's hope your not like your father." "Ummm...ok." Lily said, nervously. She pointed her wand at a frog on her desk and murmured, "Giro Cattus." It turned into a cat sized frog. "Pity." Professor Nair said "Exactly like your father." She moved on to Ben Varney, a first year Hufflepuff. "Why was she so rude?" Lily asked Hugo and Lysander as they left Transfiguration. "I dunno." Replied Lysander as they made their way to flying lessons.

When they arrived they heard the flying Professor, Atlas Dalton, says, "Hello, so today we are just going to learn how to mount our broomsticks." "Yes, Professor." All the first years said "Now, watch closely." Professor Dalton told them. He lifted his hand over his broomstick and said, "Up."

The broomstick went into his hands. "Your turn. Just say Up." "Up." All the first years said unison. They tried over and over again until Hugo's broomstick was in his hand. Then Lysander's broomstick flew into his hand. Then Lily's broomstick. After 2 more minutes of trying Professor Dalton said, "Ok, now we're going to kick off, don't fly yet, do it like this." He demonstrated. All the first years tried until the bell rang for lunch.

Author's note- Professor Dalton, Professor Nair and Ben Varney, are characters I made up. And "Giro Cattus" is a spell I made up. Might not be the best ,but I tried.

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